crushed like them, I am

May 21, 2008 13:40

This news consumes her.
But it can't yet set her free.
How is it humanly POSSIBLE for me to feel this way for someone I have never seen with my eyes.

But I've seen you everywhere.
I hear your words and watch you runaway in my dreams.
I've played songs on my keyboard and carved words into my veins.

You've MADE ME who I am.
When I walk in the hallways with a heavy heart.
When I can't listen in class.
When sympathy is granted.
When I pray for days.

And even when I'm not singing.
I think of questions. All the questions.
I NEED to know.
1) Were you referring to cocaine?
2) Have you ever read The Messengers
3) Whats it like?

And you don't think I understand.

I can use references as to why I'm the person I am.
Preston. Jessica. Olivia. Jesse. Sean Hendler. Chris Lack.
Sean Brewington. Kristen Gremillion. Patrick Beard.
Sara Ismail and my past aggrevation.
The class of 2009' and finally finding out what its like to see someone's hate.
That one bad idea at the canal and A.D.D at the steering wheel.
Laying close to a friend I know I want to keep.
Dying in another's arm and why I had to try it.
The music to loud and car too fast.
Seeing Jessica's face the day I came home after Katrina.
Fights and arguments. Stories and experiences.

But nothing is as strong as the music I've heard.
Or the way I've felt.
Suffocated and totally free.

You're gonna get what you deserve.
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