Yesterday was the Folly and New Found Glory show in Delaware or "DELAWHERE" as NFG likes to say
OK so here's the thing about Delawere they have stores with just the word "GUNS" on the roof...that ain't right
oh yeah and they have signs that say "Abortion is wrong" "Jesus died for Sin, Sins, Sinners"..weird.
Oh yeah and they have a beach called SLAUGHTER BEACH..That can't be good.
They also like to put up signs that count the amount of DEATHS BY FIRES.. This year is 9 last year was 8...nice.
I got BIT by a bee and contrary to what Jon says a bee can fucking bite and not only sting you
Dont ever go to a Burger King off the NJ turnpike where they correct you for saying Chicken "nuggets" instead of "Tenders"
OK NFG was amazing we couldn't take cameras into the venue so i don't have pictures of them lets just say my left eardrum is blown out from being front row..
So much more happened but I really can't remember because 8 hours in a car left me half cripple.
At the rest stop the soda was 50 CENTS!! "Where are we?"
The rest stop was luxurious
Me with Cyrus
Me and Chad after doing his hip bump with me and shouting "BROOKLYN" haha
Chillen with the Folly boys...
Me and Agim
Me and Anthony
"You are from Brooklyn you could probably kick my ass"-anthony
<3Alicia and Jon<3
The Russian jumped in the car!!! Oh this kid ripped my NFG set list as well as my shirt and spilled ice on me. Douche bag
Alicia, Aprile and Me..hanging out
"You girls are so stylish"-agim
"Don't go anywhere please I like to look at you"-anthony
I was forced to put these on at one point..
OK who took the most random picture of the night?