Last night was Hanson @ The Starland Ballroom in NJ with Kim, Alicia and Aprile. <3
We had to park the buggie on the grass and pay $3.
There were 2,700+ people there.
Taylor's baby had no hat on his head in the 25 degree weather.
Hanson was amazing.
Their fans manage to get older but mentally stay 13 with the screaming, chanting, crying and overall obsession.
I had fun making fun of their fans, what characters.
IamstillinlovewithZac. wow.
Taylor looked all grown up. Hmm well...
Enjoy the pictures that my Alicia
euphoria_ took.
Zac & Ike
Me and Aprile
Alicia feeling up the hand dryer
The faucet went on by itself!
Listen, all I need is you
To tell me what to do
Cause you drive me crazy
Listen, is it pulling your heart?
Is it tearing you apart?
Cause you drive me crazy
Cause you're crazy beautiful
Cause you're crazy beautiful