Jan 29, 2004 11:04
I guess I haven't written in a while and I think it's because I am trying to avoid things. I dunno if I want to make this journal friends only because I know people from my school and others who I don't want reading it in fact are. I like the fact that people can read my journal but I guess you have to choose one or the other.
I hate dickbag guys. I hate slut girls. Sometimes I feel like I just want to scratch everyone out of my life and start over. I need new friends and I need new guys in my life, but sometimes I guess you need people. What I need is a show even though the scenster kids piss me off, so I don't even know what the hell I want.
The snow was crazy the other day. Me, Kim, Lauren and Daniela decided to go out on Tuesday night cause we knew there would be no school on Wed becuase of the snow. I saw my ummm crush there, I talked to him and it was like talking to the wall. I felt like I was talking to myself or the wall. Hid friend was looking at me more than he was. I give up, what a douche bag. College has really given me a bad mouth lol. I miss Brooklyn.....Someone get me the new Incubus CD and the Chanel sunglasses I want. thanks in advance. xxx
I can't believe that you're still playing silly games