Whoo! So, I've been working on my Kirin costume quite a bit and, I must say, I'm quite proud of myself. It's not going as quickly as I'd like, but...ah well. It's coming along. So far, I have the white tube top sewn (just need to paint the zig zags on the top edge) and the pattern for the vest done. Working on the pattern for the neck piece currently. Everything else shouldn't take this long, I'm hoping. The things I'm worried most about are the wig and tops of the gloves - they have such tiny little buckles, and I'll have to basically make four belts...something I'm not good at. Well, it's been a learning experience, for sure.
Making my own patterns is SO hard... x_x I very much prefer to use pre-made ones, but for this costume, it just wouldn't work. Anyhow, I've got a long way to go, but I'm looking forward to it. It SHOULD be done before Ohayocon (or so I hope), so that makes me very optimistic. And here's a picture of me in the unstyled wig and what I have completed so far XD Don't worry, the top isn't pink, really...that's just my mock-up.