Ohayocon Report is IN.

Jan 07, 2008 01:06

Oh man! SUCH a great convention! I'm SO glad I went. Unfortunately, my camera stayed in my bag the entire time, so no pictures x_x I DID end up getting Micaiah done, though, which I'm REALLY happy about! The only thing I wasn't happy with was the judging. It was retarded. When me and the Fire Emblem gals walked into the room, the tension was so thick in there that you could cut it with a Denny's spoon (albeit those are sharp too...) They didn't ask ANY questions on the construction at all, and barely glanced at our craftsmanship. The only thing we really got out of it was "Uhh...I like your hood." to our luffely Illiyana. That was abooout it. It was obvious that we were NOT going to win when we effing WALKED. IN. Such shit, honestly.

EVERYthing other than the judging was awesome though. I had SUCH a blast. Lionel took some REALLY epic pictures, and me, Katie, and Megan just sat and talked with him for like...four hours. It was so much fun, I just can't sum it up. And then we have such quotes like:

"Oh, Micaiah! Do you have Yune?" ; "Yune? Uh..." ; "Oh, nevermind, I see him in your purse" ; '....HAHA yeeeah! Yune! Of cooourse. *facepalm*"
"Your units suck." ; "My what?" ; "Your units. They suck." ; "....OOOH, units! Like in the military. Haha..."
"Word of the weekend: Epic."
"Courtney. Valkyrie-Profile Con has officially started." ; "...SHIT. God dammit, Megan! T_T"
"SHETBAG." "BETCH." "I'm gunna betchslap the dumb outta you, shetbag!"

So lovely. XD I'm so glad I could meet a lot of new people this year and reunite with good friends as well. I'm SO looking forward to Anime Central 2008...Valkyrie Profile cosplay will be SO wintastically epic. All in all, it was a VERY great time. Extremely glad I went with everyone n.n Hopefully, I'll be able to keep in contact with some of the people I met as well. Can't wait to see everyone else's reports from the con!
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