Jun 20, 2005 20:13
heyy pplz i guess i didnt go see a movie adn ended up goin to his coffee shop and i kinda fell asleep in the back seat lol cuzz it was soo boring and me and ma baby just sat down and talked and chilled all night and then i got home adn ended up not getting in trouble which was sooo cool :):) i love ma mom lets see then i didnt get to see ma baby untill sunday atchurch but only for a lil bit :'( and i miss him soo much i was suposed to go see him2nite but noo ma fuckin brother has to make ma life a livin hell adn soo 2day adn night got scewed up and soo now i am sittin here doing nothin but eatin sarah food and waiting for sumon to cum to ma hosue and chill well ne wasy i gtg cuzz theres nthin goin on in ma life sooo ttyl guyzzz and leave comments cumm on lol :):) ..... PE@CE