Jun 12, 2005 21:19
heyy guyzz wuts up yeaa i ended upp chillin with ma baby all nite saturday lindzz came over and picked me up and we got ready and went to fadys work in farmington it was soo freakin hott in there lol and then ma baby came there and he gave me a tour of the work lmfaoo it was veryy funnn lmfaoo the massage chair lol :):) then we chilled there till fady closed and then we went to downtown farmington to an ice cream shot and me adn ma baby shared an ice cream together lmfaoo megan cherriess lmfaoo it was soo cute then we drove bak to fadys work to pick up megans car lol yeaa me and kosay kinda lost meg fady adn lindzz lol it was soooo funn lol cuzz we got to fadys work like half and hour be4 they did lol adn lets just say it was sooo much funn and excitin and cant wait till i see ma baby agian :):) and then lindzz droped me off homea dn stayed adn then ended up sleepin over and then went to her house sunday mornin adn got ready for church then after church went to megans work and ate chillie cheese fries and had a brownie fudge ice cream lol wow megan u maek the best deserts lol :):) and then went to ma sis house then babysat eeeuuuuuuugggg i really was annoyed fromt he kids lol adn plus i had a huge headach :'( then went home and then went str8 to sleep and woke up at 9 then watched the game and they freakin losttttt wuts up wit them 2wice in a row??? ne wyas now i am botut to go to sleep work 2marro idk when prob 3 to 8 or 8 to 3 lol prob ill go frofm 3 to 8 whoo knos ne ways PE@CE.............leave messagesss too lol nobody want too u guyzz better lol