I usually dont care to discuss politics seriously with people, because people have their own reasons for what they believe in and im in full support of it. Im not sure which candidate could actually be the best for the country right now, but i do feel more comfortable with Obama. Both candidates have the potential to be great, but i feel as though the pressure of the race nearly coming to the end is forcing both of them to fall below expectations. im also terrified at the thought of Palin being in so high an office.
I also dont care to discuss things, because sometimes peoples ignorance on situations just frustrate me to no end. Someone actually sent me a facebook invitation to join this group:
http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=25652988786&topic=6981#/group.php?gid=25652988786&ref=mf i read through a few discussion boards and through the wall comments, and after doing so, i honestly feel sick to my stomach with how ignorant and close minded a majority of these people are being. Im not saying that people on both sides arent ill informed or slanderous but i can say that most things ive read concerning the Obama side of the spectrum have not nearly been this ignorant. Upon searching, someone posted a "list of reasons for why they are voting for McCain" which highlights Obama's stances and stories about him....
one poster really frustrated me, this is what she had to say:
"My children went to Montgomery County, Maryland public schools until we moved to a northern county last year - a very liberal county it is. They tried to inflict their opinions of filth on to my children - one of whom argues with me constantly about gay marriage rights - SHE IS 13!!! Right now that is such a non-issue compared to the bigger picture in the whole scheme of things, although gays would tend to disagree =)
If it is any consolation to you, while it is a horrible thought to even ponder it does give me some comfort in knowing that children are indeed, without a doubt, a product of their environment; thus, if the liberal left and all others who believe in the right to abortions keep killing off their unborn children - there will be a future with LESS LIBERALS! Stupid people shouldn’t breed!
That means: less of the entitlement mentality; less of the global mentality; less greed and fraud; more ethics, more family values; more kindness and courtesy; more respect; higher standards; more work ethic (hell, work ethic period!); less government; less worthlessness, etc. etc., etc. That said, I suppose I support abortion in instances of rape, incest, and the demoralization of American culture. Otherwise, I do not. I had a child at 17 - my saving grace, and she is a NEOCON like her Mother! Yes! See… I did it RIGHT!
Thank you for voting intelligently!
i dont care what you believe in or who you are, but i absolutely CANNOT stand people who try to suppress gay rights. who are we to tell someone that they cant have the same rights as everyone else all because they choose to love someone that is of the same sex? how horribly cruel are people that they feel that they NEED to deny people of their happiness? people like this make me sick, being associated in the same category as an American with people like this make me sick. And who do they think they are to call liberals stupid for wanting rights over their own bodies? theyre main argument that abortion is wrong is because its against the bible....NOT EVERYONE IN THE US IS CHRISTIAN! not everyone has to believe the same beliefs or follow them. im christian, i believe in certain things, but im not so closed minded that i would force anyone to believe or follow in something that they dont care to do. I consider myself liberal in most ways. i dont have an "entitlement mentality", im not greedy, i have ethics, family values, im kind to nearly all people i meet, and show courtesy. I respect people, i respect myself, and hold high standards for this country. I HAVE WORK ETHIC, ive worked since the day i could start, my mom has worked to support me since she was younger, and her parents before her...all EXTREMELY HARD WORKERS and all somewhat liberal!
people like "marie" are not respectful, or courteous, they have no ethics or values and are certainly not kind. and to me are completely worthless.
this is the other persons list for voting against Obama:
· He voted for partial birth abortion.
· He voted no on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions.
· Supports affirmative action in Colleges and Government (quotas)..
· In 2001 he questioned harsh penalties for drug dealing as being too severe.
· Says he will deal with street level drug dealing as minimum wage affair.
· Admitted his use of marijuana and cocaine in high school and in college.
· His religious convictions are very murky.
· He is willing to meet with Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Kim Jung Il and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
· Has said that one of his first goals after being elected would be to have a conference with all Muslim nations. Why?
· Opposed the Patriot Act.
· First bill he signed that was ever passed was campaign finance reform.
· Voted to allow law suits against gun manufacturers.
· Supports universal health-care.
· Voted yes on providing habeas corpus for Guantanamo detainees.
· Supports granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.
· Supports extending welfare to illegal immigrants.
· Voted yes on comprehensive immigration reform.
· Voted yes on allowing illegal aliens to participate in Social Security.
· Wants to make the minimum wage a 'living wage'.
· Voted with Democratic Party 96 percent of 251 votes. (241 votes Demo, 10 votes Republican)
· Is a big believer in the separation of church and state.
· Opposed to any efforts to Privatize Social Security and instead supports
increasing the amount of tax paid into Soc. Sec. Tax Increase.
· He voted No on repealing the Alternative Minimum Tax which now hits middle income brackets. Tax Increase.
· He voted No on repealing the 'Death' Tax. Tax Increase.
· He wants to raise the Capital Gains Tax. Tax Increase.
· Has repeatedly said the surge in Iraq has not succeeded...which is not true.
· He is ranked as the most liberal Senator in the Senate today and that takes some doing.
I just highlighted a few issues i had with this...im a bit perplexed at how most of the things on this list are considered a bad thing...but right now these things just caught my attention...
i dont care that hes used drugs in his lifetime, that doesnt make him a bad person, i dont even think it makes him a bad judge of character. who in politics has a perfectly clean background? our current president spent most of his life drunk, doing drugs, getting a DUI, yet he was still voted into office? we shouldnt judge people on their pasts, but instead the people they have become. my grandpa was a juvenile, did drugs, was an alcoholic, but the person he became is my hero. He created a family, and took on as many jobs, up to 4 at one time, just to support them. and when my mom was alone and pregnant with me, they took care of her, and he raised me as if i was his own child, and im still treated as such.
as for obamas religious convictions and believing in the separation of church and state, just one thing comes to mind...isnt this supposed to be THE FREE COUNTRY? wasnt this country started in wanting to have our own freedoms and not be subjected to or forced to believe or follow in a certain way?
wanting to meet with our so called "enemy leaders" and muslims, i dont see any problem with this at all.. its sickening how closed off from the rest of the world the US really is. the reason we have so many enemies is because of this. do we want so many countries despising us? making every other country our enemy is not going to help foreign relations or keep our country safe.
and honestly, what has the surge in Iraq done for us? i cant name one positive thing that has come from it. i respect the soldiers who go there and fight, but at the same time i feel sorry for them, because they are being lied to. theyre fighting for something they believe in, because they were told to believe it by the people they put their trust in. but for what? so many people lose their lives, come back disfigured, lose their homes, families, suffer intense psychological damage...but for what? to win a so called "war on terror". the last i checked, the entire country of Iraq, was not our problem. a tiny militia known as Al Quaeda and other SMALL terrorist groups were responsible. i feel as though after 9/11 so many people were willing to do whatever because they were just afraid, and since then the govt has just taken advantage of that fear. All we are doing is wasting lives, time and money. none of which we can really take right now.
Sorry for the long rant, especially if you didnt care to see it...just seeing some of the things people wrote in this group greatly bothered me and i just needed to get it out somehow...feel free to comment and maybe we can have a nice conversation.