Apr 27, 2006 20:33
So ACT's weren't as scary as i thought they would be. So yea Cassie, the science part was oka except for the first section of like 7 questions, i was so freaking lost but i think i managed. And then the math section was pretty good except for the part with pre-calc that i've never done.
PSAE's were a joke. favourite question: Which of these two would best measure distance? a)yard stick b)hammer c)fat measure d)a stop watch...lol
Track is going good, my hip flexor hates me. buh.
My parents like to tell me the day before they decide to leave for the weekend that they are in fact leaving. seriously, gotta love the communication around here.
My karma kicks serious ass. Fuck yea.
oka well i guess this is enough for now.