Mar 15, 2004 18:03
ok so thursday was the last day of school..we had off friday for teachers in service? yea so thursday was the talent show which was mucho fun then i went bowling (see entry below)that was like the best day of my life right thurr haha
yea kims gotta stalker but its all good cuz its fun..and hes really not a stalker haha
then the whole weekend i hung out with bradley that was mucho fun...we were supposed 2 watch movies but i think we watched like 3 movies? haha yea bruce almighty, some canadian movie i was falling alseep during so he changed it to robin hood man in tights and that was a good movie...but yea friday we didnt watch anything cuz i had practice and then after practice was over he met me at school we walked 2 my house so i could put sweats on cuz i was freezing my tooshey off and then his brother came to pick us up cuz his mom forgot her purse and rings at home and she was at the doctors with his other brother matt and blah blah so we droped those off and then we did some other errands (wow it def took like 5 mins to figure out how 2 spell that word) and then after those errands we went to dougs friends house to finalize wedding plans for dougs friend (doug is brads brother) then me and brad came back 2 my house and we just chilled and watched tv...then sat wasnt much i had to do chrissys hair and make up for her i took brad with me and she didnt mind so then he had to go for a few hours cuz his dad took him driving and then he came back to chrissys and then at like 7:30 we went to this girl laurens house and took pics and blah then helene drove me and brad to my house round 8-ish and we watched bruce almighty...oh i love that movie :)
then on sunday i had church 2 masses i had 2 sing at and then i went 2 shopright and got a chocolate muffin *licks lips* mmm mmm good lol then brad came over again and we watched some canadian movie that i fell asleep so brad woke me up and then switched the movie to robin hood man in tights and that was a fun movie then we ate dinner and just chilled and layed down and slept and yea i kinda beat him up and yea its very abusive :\ oh well!!! heehee
um then today was allright in choir eric was like "why were you randomly at laurens house sat?" and me and chrissy told his booty why and said "because i (she) did her (my) hair and make up" yea we were soo cool and then eric goes "oh well y didnt you go" and i went "cuz dude ima junior and its a dance for freshmen and soph-ies (or sophmores)" and then he was like "well someone coulda asked you" and i went "yea no one asked me therefore i cant go" and then he went "its cuz no one likes you" and man i just felt soo loved..he raises my self esteem sooooo much!! eric is my hero!! yup...if you wanna be my hero comment and ill ad you to my list!! umm im to lazy 2 post my list now but youse know eric is in there soo umm that should just make you wanna be in my hero list just cuza that!! yea!
then at 4:45 i had voice lessons..then at 6:15 i had 2 go 2 church to learn the descant for a couple responsorials and that was fun..then she kinda just played threw a song she wants me 2 sing w/ her..hee i feel special she wants me to do a duet song w/ her for easter..tho im scared im gonna mess it up cuz i suck at singing...ok not really but i think i do..but ppl tell me otherwise and they yell at me and hit me cuz i say it..hmm nice friends huh? lol im going cuz i have tons of homework sooo umm im going!! bye now!
dont forget post if u wanna be in my hero list!!!