
Oct 20, 2008 17:30

I got the idea from Sha. I just really need to organize all of my favorite fics, so that when I want to read them I have a place to find them all. These are most of my favorites, but of course I'll keep adding as I read.

Warning: Most of all the fics are NC-17/M

A Pound of Flesh
  by Pennilyn Novus
One night at a strip club, Hermione comes face to face with a Memory Charmed Draco, and an opportunity too good to pass up. What starts as revenge quickly grows into something more, and as Hermione delves deeper into the mysteries surrounding the man who can't remember who he is - the man everyone thought was dead - she might discover more than she can handle.
Chapters: 13 Completed: NO

Pineapple, Yum! Or, oh, Coconut!
by lifesaverkat 
Chapters: 18 Completed: No

by akashathekitty
In a whirlwind of pleasure and angst, can Draco and Hermoine end up happy and together? Or are they destined forever to keep their relationship physical and above all - secret? Winner of Dramione Awards' Best Smut and Best Heart-Wrenching/Angst!
Chapters: 15 Completed: Yes

The Dragon's Bride
by Rizzle
7th year. Draco and Hermione awaken in a Muggle hotel room, naked, hung-over and tattooed. They also happen to be married. Thus begin a desperate search for a solution to their sticky situation. After all, who in their right mind would want to be married to Draco Malfoy? Surely not Hermione…
Written in response to the challenge issued by ‘Piaa’.
Chapters: 61 Completed: Yes

We Learned the Sea
by floorcoaster 
Draco Malfoy unexpectedly turns himself in after an accomplished career as a Death Eater... and he enlists Harry and Hermione on a dangerous mission.
Chapters: 38 Completed: Yes.

We'll Always Have Paris
by Melissa_D
Draco and Hermione go on an exchange program to Beauxbatons Academy. They enter a rocky partnership to help each other make it through all of their classes; neither of them thinks falling in love will be part of the deal.
Chapters: 17 Completed: Yes

Why Draco Malfoy Should Not Be Using Tampons
by Padfoot the Marauder
Draco and Hermione, like all newly appointed Head Boys and -Girls before them, are assigned to switch bodies for the first week of term to ensure a prosperous collaboration between them in the future. Will this week turn out to be as horrible as it sounds? Probably, but you’ll have to read to find out.
Chapters: 14 Completed: Yes

Memory Keeper by __vintagebomb 
After the fall of Voldemort, Hermione Granger, the new Head Girl, begins the school year with no recollection of her relationship with Draco Malfoy. A heartbroken Draco uses a memory keeper, hoping to uncover Hermione's lost memories.
Chapters: 14 Completed: No

A Fragment in the Light by __vintagebomb __vintagebomb 
After a recent divorce with Ron Weasley, Hermione hoping to forget events that happened three years ago. All her plans for supressing those painful memories become futile when she runs into Draco Malfoy and his son at Flourish and Blotts.
Chapters: 5 Completed: No

The Bracelet
by akashathekitty 
Hermione is a stuck-up know-it-all; Draco is a sadistic prat; Theo has a scary way of knowing everything; Harry is too busy with his girlfriend and his hero status to pay much attention; Ginny really isn't very interested in anyone beyond Harry but unfortunately does pay attention; Pansy wants what's hers; Ron doesn't know how to get what's his; and Blaise definitely has both his hands in the cookie jar. Or maybe that's not how it is at all...
Chapters: 63 Completed: No

Gravity by Floorcoaster
It's about arranging stacks of books, wall colours, and jumping off a cliff.
Chapters: 9 Completed: Yes

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