I Met Tom Felton Yesterday?

Jul 11, 2009 21:50

Yesterday may have been the best day of my life. I met Tom Felton, shook his hand, got his autograph and had a conversation with him. It was amazing. I still can't believe it actually happened.

I met__vintagebomband Shampoo at the mall at 3 PM. We only had about 50 people in front of us which was great. It wasn't long before the line of crazed fangirls was wrapping around the parking lot. Some people dressed in full costume. There was so much enthusiasm! We were ushered inside the mall at 5:00 (ish). As with any huge event involving Harry Potter celebrities, there was a bit of a cat fight, but that couldn't dampen my mood! We spotted the ladies from the Feltbeats Army in their fancy Fetlbeats t-shirts and went over to say Hi. They interviewed us. I'll have to see if we're on the website yet. I got off the line a few times to scout out the store to see if Tom had arrived. When I finally saw him, I almost fainted from excitement.

We got into Hot Topic at 7:45. I was shaking... a lot.__vintagebomb met him first. She gave him the goodie bag we got for him (bath bombs from Lush, a custom made CD and poker tips). He was very pleased - gave her a HUGE smile (a swoon worthy smile, in my opinion). She even got to talk to Jade. It was pretty cool. I was next. I walked up, shook his hand and I have to say: He has a very good handshake. Firm. He also smelled really good. I know that sounds weird, but it's true. He smelled amazing. He signed my poster (I need a frame. I will have that poster for the rest of my life, I guarentee it). We had a legitimate conversation. It was a dream.

After some fangirly squees when I got out of the store, we all ran upstairs to the Q&A location. Reps from Leaky and Mugglenet were there answering questions about HBP and Scary Jones from Z100 was there giving away prizes to people who could correctly answer a Harry Potter trivia question. I won a $40 Slytherin sweatshirt! My question was: Who was the Muggle Studies teacher at Hogwarts? (Charity Burbage) Just when I thought this experience couldn't get any better, I checked my Twitter today and found that Tom had @replied me! My life is now complete. I can die a very happy person.

The crowd went CRAZY when Tom got on stage. He was so cute. His smile is swoon-worthy. It really is. I have another 31 pictures, but unfortunately, they're all kind of blurry. :(

MY AUTOGRAPHED POSTER!! The poster itself is pretty cool, but I had to do a close up of the autograph. This poster might be my most prized possession.

tom felton

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