This shit was way to funny to not post here. I left him a whole bunch of messages from my new SN (curemyeclipse) calling him a faggot. He came back at me all fucking serious, and his anger just made laugh more.
Tranquil Scar: are a jew
curemyeclipse: well gimme my effin yamica and Ill shove a dick up your ass for the effort. Faggot.
Tranquil Scar: so the jewish store...and buy a yamikah
curemyeclipse: no
curemyeclipse: I want yours
curemyeclipse: Ill trade it for cock. How can you say no?
Tranquil Scar: Sorry I dont like having sex with transvestite dykes...
Tranquil Scar: you may wanna open the door to your basment i think your mommy is calling you for Emo fuck
curemyeclipse: Dyke? No JEW. Remember?
Tranquil Scar: Jews can't be dykes?
curemyeclipse: Cmon Fag, a yamica for some cock, why not?
curemyeclipse: not by their religion
Tranquil Scar: thats racial descrimination
curemyeclipse: DIScrimination
curemyeclipse: and no its not
curemyeclipse: cause I didnt say anything about race
curemyeclipse: much more religion... have you gotten so fucking retarded since Boces?
curemyeclipse: You used to be smart... but then again, you used to form a good argument, without sounding like a highschool homo I mean.
curemyeclipse: Go eat some cock ass muncher. And read a book while your at it
Tranquil Scar: So...have any of your girl friends left you for O-Town lately?
curemyeclipse: mmmm, ouch, that hurt?
Tranquil Scar: Or how about somone that lived In Canada?
curemyeclipse: shit man, took you long enough for a actual profound response.
Tranquil Scar: hmmm....was her name Melissa? ahh the one that got away? that sucks
curemyeclipse: What about you? Must have sucked watching me go out with her when you wanted to bang her that bad, huh?
Tranquil Scar: so....after your done bleeding from your wrists...tell me how it feels you fucking fudge packing jackass
Tranquil Scar: well we having somthing in common...neither of us got any from her....
Tranquil Scar: tootles
curemyeclipse: wow... what a lexicon... you astound me with that comment chris
curemyeclipse: Emo fuck? Im curious, whered you get that one from?
Tranquil Scar: Your screen name is curemyeclipse...."Im sad and i hate the world cuz noone likes me and its dark and i want somone to help me" ....and read your info
curemyeclipse: wow, you must be serious or something... sorry, Ill let you change that tampon... its obviously dripping red... And 36 Crazyfists isnt emo... LOL, whats hardcore dude? Linkin Park... WOW man, LETS go cry in mommys arms
Tranquil Scar: you fucking non-poetic, non-artistic "Im gunna try to be romantic type by posting a bunch of sabby bullshit in my AIm info...." faggot
curemyeclipse: your much more funny than I remember
curemyeclipse: curemyeclise (also a 36 song... Roadrunner.)
curemyeclipse: did you take my comments earlier seriously or something? you sound like your almost crying, lol
Tranquil Scar: bored?
curemyeclipse: no, was reading my notebooks last night, came across a convo we wrote out in Elisses class... wanted to see how an old friend was... I didnt know you hated me this much. Otherwise Id have done this much sooner... but only for the entertainment.