Josh...I am really sorry for biting you at skool today...I just dont understand how you could keep calling amanda a whore! i mean my god...i know she can be little irritating at times and maybe even a BIT slutty, but still does it make you feel better to go and pick on a girl??? I mean can you now pick on a guy?!?!? just leave amanda the fuck alone! She doesnt want you to hate her, she wants to be your friend, and i mean i would cry too if you said that shit about me. HAVENT YOU EVER HEARD OF THE SAYING "IF YOU DONT HAVE ANYTHING NICE TO SAY THEN DONT SAY ANYTHING AT ALL"?!?!!? If you are going to continuously be an ass to her then just stop fucking around with her! if you fucking hate her so much then just leave her alone! okay? i mean i know tyhat amanda should deal with her own problems but i mean still dont fucking start acting liek a 2 year old and start calling her names! okay? i got suspended for biting you, and im sorry i hurt you when i did it, but i mean you know i take things head on when im pissed and i dont think about things before i do them. Just dont keep making fun of her okay? I told macky you grabbed my ass 2 times...i cant keep that from him josh. I dont mean to cause trouble for you, but i HAD to tell him. And above all...i wanted to tell him. It is your fault if you get your ass kicked. not mine. think before you act josh. And yes i am going start to take my own advice about that starting now.
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