Author: Rachel
Title: Save Every Day (16/17)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 3,295~
Summary: There’s a moment when you say to yourself, there you are -- I’ve been looking for you forever. Looking back on that moment and all the moments since, I’m glad to say we spent our lives together. And we were happy.
Author's Note: This is because of Blaine’s Time Capsule video, and thanks to
pureklaination for suggesting that I write it. Thank you also to
whenidance for being my sounding board, and
aelora for being my beta. It is canon compliant up through the 5x01 (or at least the preview for it).
Ohio wasn’t a place that they normally went, at least not much by that point in their lives. There had been family visits, holidays, all that sort of thing, but time went by and as the years went on there was less and less family to be involved until there was none, and that meant that neither Kurt nor Blaine had much cause to make the trip there. It was a place that always held a special spot in their hearts, because it had made them who they were - for better or worse - but that didn’t mean they planned trips there on a whim anymore not like they had when they would go to surprise their parents with a visit, or when they would surprise Lizzie with a week away in the summer to visit her grandparents with no dads allowed.
That was why it was even more special when they found a reason to go back, because there were so many good memories that stood out among any of the bad ones there were, and even after all that time they were vivid and bright in their minds. The memories that stuck out the best were the ones that had to do with their time in high school, their time in glee club, and that was probably for the best considering that was the reason they were there.
It was Blaine’s fiftieth class reunion, a number that he’d proclaimed made him feel old - and Kurt had been quick to point out that he’d had his the year before so what exactly was Blaine trying to say?
Kurt’s own hadn’t been that exciting, if he was being honest. Sure, there had been people he’d been glad to see and spend time with, and he always took that bit of pride in the fact that he was so successful - just like he’d always told all the people who had bullied him he would be. In normal circumstances he tended to be humble, modest, even after so many decades of success, because being grounded and more down to earth is what made him who he was, even in the world of fashion, but when he’d been at his reunion he hadn’t cared.
The fact of the matter was that the people he cared about were the ones he’d been in touch with throughout the years anyway, so it wasn’t as though they had a world of catching up to do. Technology had definitely been their friend, making it easy to keep up to date on what everyone was doing. Kurt remembered hearing stories from his dad about getting together with his friends from back in the day, how it had always been so difficult to figure out where everyone was and how they didn’t hear from each other that often so it was like years and years of catch up every time they did.
It was one of the many reasons Kurt was glad he’d grown up when technology was getting good - that by the time he graduated high school, everyone he knew and wanted to keep in contact with had Facebook, most of them had Twitter, too, and if nothing else there was the instant gratification of texts and emails to keep them in contact. That made it so that getting together with friends wasn’t so much the hours of talking about everything that had happened in the meantime, because they’d seen so much of it already and could just pick right up where they’d left off otherwise.
That was why the high school reunion hadn’t been that big of a deal for him - because there were only a few people in his graduating class he cared to see, and he kept up with them and their lives on a regular enough basis that it wasn’t overwhelming to see them all at once.
Blaine’s was a different story, mostly because Blaine had enjoyed his time at McKinley more than Kurt had. He’d been involved in so many pieces and parts of the school and student body that Kurt had trouble remembering that Blaine hadn’t been there all along - but of course he hadn’t, because he’d been at Dalton, and if he hadn’t been at Dalton than who knows if they’d have been where they were in their lives together.
Of course Blaine had been in contact with people over the years, definitely more than Kurt had at least, but that didn’t stop him from being excited about the reunions. Part of it was that he had to do a lot of the planning, or at least that’s how Kurt saw it, because as the student class president of his graduating class, Blaine was in charge of that sort of thing. That was why Blaine’s reunions were always so well put together and Kurt was left constantly surprised that his happened as well as they did - but then again, he assumed that Brittany had help by way of Santana to make sure they went off without much of a hitch.
The fact that it was the fiftieth reunion meant that it was more important than any of the previous ones had been. Fifty was a milestone, a big one, and that was why they had flown in a few days prior to it so Blaine could make sure everything was going to go as he’d planned. There had been the big reunion of the entire class, but Blaine had also planned a smaller reunion for just the glee club - not just the members who had graduated the same year as him but also anyone else who had been in it that year, because they’d been a team and what was the point of only having part of it there when they’d all contributed so much?
That was the part of the trip to Ohio that Kurt had been looking forward to much more than the rest of it, because with the glee club he knew what he was going to get - they were people that he knew, or had known, whether personally or through Blaine. Plus, if nothing else, it was a much smaller occasion, and those were the types of events that Kurt loved the most. There were enough over the top, boisterous events and parties, and the more intimate and personal ones were the ones he liked to go to the most.
Above all else, the glee club party held the moment he’d been waiting for a long time - that he and Blaine had both been waiting for - but he thought perhaps he’d been anticipating it more than his husband.
The two of them had spent years making videos of their lives, videos capturing moments from the small things to the most important ones - all of which were subjective but since they were the ones who determined what mattered, they knew what had been necessary to get, necessary to keep. It had all started because of one, and Kurt had never forgotten that any of the times they'd picked up a camera following it. Without that first video, none of the other ones would have happened, and that was why he was looking forward to seeing it there at the glee club party.
Blaine's time capsule video he'd made his senior year hadn't been seen, by them or anyone else, since Blaine had sent it to Kurt to see what he'd thought.
Kurt remembered bits and pieces, but not all of it together. More than anything he remembered the conversation they'd had following it, not the video itself. The video was what had sparked so much, though, and he remembered that it had made him smile to watch it - just like so many of the videos they'd made throughout the years together had when they'd found the time to watch them back so many years later. It had been fifty years since it had all started, and that in itself was a feat enough to make him smile before it started.
"This is nice, everyone being together," Blaine murmured as he slid in next to Kurt, fresh off a conversation with Sam that had looked entertaining from where Kurt had stood off to the side, seeing it out of the corner of his eye as he'd talked to Tina. "It's been so long but it feels like everything just falls back into place like it was just our last reunion yesterday..."
"That's always good, when that happens," Kurt replied, sliding his arm around Blaine's waist and hugging him in against his side. "Sure beats the awkward standing around and not knowing what to do or say reunions."
"Exactly," Blaine said with a soft chuckle, bringing up the cup in his hand to take the last sip of his drink before he tossed it into a nearby trash can. "It's much more relaxing than the full out class reunion, too - just the people I knew the best instead of everyone."
"Mhmm," Kurt agreed, his thumb rubbing absently against the fabric of Blaine's jacket, his eyes surveying over the room and looking at everyone gathered there. Even the people he hadn't known personally when he'd been at McKinley, he'd gotten to know them over the years and reunions thanks to Blaine, and it really was like they were part of the glee club family he'd had. "So what's the-"
"Attention everyone!" Sam interrupted, speaking loudly over the conversations happening around the room, all of which quickly petered off to turn their attention toward where he was standing. "I just got word that they got the screen hooked up so we can watch this video..."
"Oh..." Blaine's eyes went a little wide as he took a step away from Kurt, looking back to him with his brow furrowed as he spoke quietly. "I don't know if Sam had the right list of videos - we had a few different ones than the last reunion, from the competitions and then a montage from the musical, too, but he never came to get it from me..."
"They're all blasts from the past, but one specific one that none of us have ever seen before, so I think we should watch that first!"
This is a little weird to do and weird to say. But um, hi Blaine. Hello, me.
Kurt gaze immediately moved to the screen, looking at the much younger version of his husband that was on it, watching out of the corner of his eye as Blaine turned to look at the screen too, his eyes just as wide as they had been before. It wasn't like Kurt had forgotten at all how Blaine had looked back in high school, he couldn't have - not with the amount of pictures and videos that had been floating around ever since. It was just seeing him there, then, that beautiful and slightly nervous smile turning up the corners of his mouth, that seemed to hit him like a memory long forgotten.
Based on the reactions of the rest of the glee club members scattered around the room, none of them had known about Blaine making the video in the first place, or they'd long forgotten over the years. Either way, there were a lot of surprised expressions at first, none of which lasted too long, quickly fading into smiles and titters of laughter at Blaine's comments over injecting stem cells into their skin to keep looking young.
"Too bad that never worked out," Blaine murmured beside him, and Kurt glanced over with a smile, pressing a kiss against his cheek.
"I happen to think you look incredible, even without that."
You are also sitting next to your famous husband Kurt Hummel, the wildly successful beautiful star of the galaxy. Oh my god, “star of the galaxy,” that’s so dumb, that probably won’t be funny in the future. But I love you, future-Kurt.
"Now that worked out perfectly," Blaine whispered, his arm sliding around Kurt's waist and pulling him in closer.
Or possibly your second husband, Tom Hardy. Hey future-Tom Hardy, you’ve always looked good, you don’t need stem cells.
"You were saying?" Kurt replied with a snort of laughter, and Blaine tickled against his side, not managing to elicit much of a reaction thanks to the protection Kurt had in form of his jacket.
It was just as adorable and silly a video as he remembered it being, the perfect mixture of seriousness in discussing all the events that had happened during the year as well as the ridiculousness of Blaine going off on tangents about cyborgs and the potential the apocalypse had happened before they'd made it to their fiftieth reunion. Kurt moved from where he was standing not long into the video, slipping out of how Blaine's arm was around him and taking a step behind his husband, sliding his arms around him from behind and hugging him back against his chest, resting his cheek against his temple as they watched the video play up in front of them.
But the hardest part was it was time to move on for a lot of people, including Kurt. This year was… about growing up. And growing up sucks.
It wasn't until those words were spoken that Kurt remembered how much they'd stung the first time he'd heard them. The year the video was made had been a rocky one, something he could easily write off as forgetting because of all the good that had come out of it, but that didn't change that what past-Blaine said in the video was true. It had been hard when he'd gone to New York, hard for so many reasons, and growing up had sucked at first - but it had gotten much easier and less difficult once they'd started doing it together.
Sometimes it feels like it’s been the most exciting time of my life and sometimes I’m terrified because I’m not really sure where I’m gonna end up. But if I’m watching this in 2063, and I’m 68, and I’m at a reunion. I hope that no matter what I’m surrounded by my friends.
Blaine leaned back against Kurt's chest and Kurt felt him sigh. Looking around the room, it was clear that Blaine had been aware of what it was going to be like in the future, because he had been right about so much. They were there together - though lacking Tom Hardy - and all of the people who had been his friends, his best friends, during his senior year of high school were there with them. So much else had gone on in their lives, and the lives of the people there in that room, but they had all made it back to Lima fifty years later to spend time with each other.
I was just an ordinary kid in 2013. I didn’t save the world, or change history, but I was here. I sang my heart out with my friends and… in the end, it wasn’t really about winning trophies. Or about winning anything really. Everything that really mattered was… my friends. Happy Fiftieth High School Reunion, you guys. Blaine Anderson, signing off.
There was silence when the screen went blank, and Kurt's arms tightened around Blaine, hugging onto him and pressing a kiss to his cheek. Seeing the video again, seeing that wide, bright eyed, younger version of the man in his arms, was enough to bring tears to his eyes because they had come so far and that video was a perfect reminder of where they had started. He hadn't been there for it, hadn't been at the school for all the different events Blaine had outlined, but the overarching message that had been there was one he knew well - no matter what else happens, focus on the good times and the friends involved.
"You were never just an ordinary kid," Kurt murmured, rubbing his fingertips in against Blaine's sides as the next video started up, playing a clip from one of the competitions that had happened. "There was never, ever anything ordinary about you, Blaine."
"Kurt..." Blaine shook his head, and Kurt loosened his hold enough that Blaine could turn around to face him, but he didn't pull his arms completely away from being around him. "You know what I meant."
"And you know what I mean," Kurt replied, leaning in to press a soft kiss against his lips. "You might not have saved the world in 2013, but you saved my world before then, back when we first met. You might not have changed history, but you decided what would happen in the future. You were here, you sang with your friends, and you were far from ordinary for any of that."
Blaine brought his hands up to rest on Kurt's chest, fingers smoothing over the lapels of his jacket before his palms slid up further, running over his shoulders and up to rest against the back of his neck before moving up to cup his jaw. There was so much familiarity in every gesture, every one having been done hundreds of times over again across the years, but it wasn't anything Kurt would ever tire of, not when there was so much care in every touch like it was the first time every time.
"I'm so glad you're my husband," Blaine murmured, his thumbs brushing gently against Kurt's cheeks, his eyes sparkling in that same bright way they had in the video, the same way they always had and always would, Kurt was sure. He'd joked over the years the Blaine had gotten sprinkled with some kind of magical pixie dust when he was born and that was what made him so much the way he was, so Blaine-like, but some of it had gotten stuck in his eyes and that was why they sparkled like they did. "My wildly successful beautiful star of the galaxy husband."
"I'm glad, too," Kurt said, a smile spreading across his features and making the corners of his eyes crinkle. "Even if it means you never got your second husband?"
"I couldn't imagine ever needing a second one if you were my first," Blaine replied, leaning up to press a lingering kiss against his lips, humming softly in the back of his throat before pulling back and letting his hands drop down to rest on Kurt's chest again. "Not even Tom Hardy."
"I'm also glad no one here's a cyborg," Kurt added teasingly, and Blaine huffed out a laugh in response. "Well I am!"
"I'm glad I made that video," Blaine said after a long moment of silence between them, the music playing from the video behind them filling the space. "Not just because of this, even though that was important too, but for what it did."
"It caused so much over the years," Kurt agreed, dropping a quick kiss against the corner of Blaine's mouth. "You sparked this thing that's followed us around our entire lives, all with your talk of cyborgs and stem cell injections..."
"And how much I loved you, future-Kurt."
"Especially that," Kurt murmured, bringing his arms up to circle around Blaine's shoulders, resting their foreheads together and smiling softly. "I love you, too."
"You know what this fiftieth reunion means, don't you?" Blaine asked as he moved his hands down to slide around Kurt's waist. "That our fiftieth anniversary is coming up."
"We'll have to start planning."
"Let's get through this fiftieth first, and then we can start."
"I say we watch videos from our past anniversaries to get ideas."
"Sounds perfect," Blaine replied, starting to sway slowly with the music playing from behind him. "But for now, dance with me?"
Kurt couldn't remember a single time he turned down that specific request, and he wasn't about to start then, so he gladly did.