
Nov 05, 2010 21:29

Hmmm. Guess I have yet to post as well about Y-Con. No, I am not going to call it "Yaoi-Con" because that makes me look too homo for my own good. XD

Staffing for Y-Con (No, NOT that kind of "Staff")

Yes, like usual, me and my crew staffed Y-Con to feed gaming for the audience as well. Since we decided that this will be all free play for everyone, no tournaments so that everyone gets a chance to play, especially extending hours til 2 AM. This includes the highly demanded Rock Band 3 that came out days ago. Bohemian Rhapsody is now glued to my head due to how many times that has been played to death (no thanks guys).

No, we didn't get time to get GoldenEye Wii nor the Kinect as those came out days after the event.

Since we technically didn't open til Saturday, me and a couple of people decided to help out on the Stage Crew to get stuff done on time. =)

Big thanks to the TBAGR crew. I know this was a big challenge due to new venue, but we got through it.

Since this is indeed a public post, post any comments or suggestions here so that we can make gaming better for you guys for next year's Y-Con. =)

An unexpected guest from ACP/ACE/ACS?

shintenshi introduced to me one of the more well-known people in cosplay, Henry, a known photographer from the East Coast? Apparently, he showed up both Friday and Saturday and wanted to meet up with me since last year.

I guess he missed out taking a picture of me and my crew during AX 09?

But at least we finally get a chance to meet up again?

Henry seems like a laid back guy. Have a safe trip back, buddy.

Tim Lincecum at Y-Con?

For those who don't know who Tim Lincecum is:

Yes, that baseball player from the SF Giants. A couple of appearances at Y-Con?

...Oh wait, that's a cosplayer. Nevermind. Nice attempt thought. =)

Oh wait, what is he doing at the Y-Con dance!?... Or is that him?

The Wedding (Crashers?)

A... Wedding? The same time as Y-Con? Oh boy, I just hoped that I didn't cause severe trouble... or did I?

A 6-year-old kid (while holding his mom's hands) took a picture of me wearing the Rape Nuts box. Sadly to say, I did NOT catch that on time as I was talking with a couple of people and looking the other way. The mother did say how much of a bad influence I was right in front of a bunch of people. *gasps*

Luckily for me, me and her did chat randomly upstairs after the wedding ceremonies and she understood that the event being hosted was an 18+ con and it's unfortunate that it was held at the same time. She did ask if I actually wore this kind of thing at other events, and I told her no (obviously this isn't appropriate for other events that aren't 18+).

In addition, after taking a break at the bar, I saw random bridesmaids (around their older 30's or 40's?) or at least the people who were at the wedding. Yes, after bad influencing a kid, yes, they know who I am. Unfortunately for them, I am not interested and am taken... and rather not cause any trouble as is. =P


I guess some can call this a very sick prank.

Towards the end of the con, me, Erin, and her friend had an idea of pulling the biggest trick/prank at Y-Con: placing a bag of candy inside the box and see how many would be "desperate" or "tough" enough. But why? Since we had a full bag of Hershey's Candy that didn't get used, they brought up the idea of not putting it to waste.

So yeah, in order to get free candy, people would have to "reach inside" with their hands to get that free candy without looking inside. Funny part is that people screamed in fear during the dealer's hall because they thought they touched the real thing, when they touched a banana instead.

And yes, there was a line for this:

In addition, there's also a chance that people might have touched the real thing due to the hole in the box (luckily my pants are zipped or else that would be going too far even for such event):

(for those who actually reached in, hopefully people don't remember this and want to kill me upon next meeting *ahem*)

But in the end, people actually wanted to get free candy anyways... or so I hope it isn't more than just that. XD

The SF Giants Game

The SF Giants game was quite a good series. To all the doubters that thought the Giants weren't going to come close to making it, the "underdogs" proved you guys wrong. So dead wrong. Now more on Texas BBQ, Philly Cheesesteak, and some New York Steak until I get fat. heh



Overall, the event was a bit different due to the new hotel, but was able to feel accustomed to it right away. Until next time.

P.S. No, I didn't get exposed to any homoerotic actions. =P

cosplay, disturbances, halloween, anime, y-con

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