Green Tea Graffiti: Writers Wanted!

Jan 22, 2010 01:28

Green Tea Graffiti
, a website that aims to be the "Asian Wikipedia" of Asian Pop Culture, is looking for writers for the following sections (please pick one):
  • Anime
  • Japanese Music
  • Japanese Movies
  • Korean Music
  • Korean Movies
If you are interested in joining the team, expect the following:
  • Strong knowledge of the specified topic. We want to make sure you are strong and fluent enough with the area you are in.
  • A one page sample article written for the section that you're applying for.
  • Passion. Self-Explanatory.
  • Team chemistry. We want to know if you are a team player.
All comments here will be screened for professional reasons. For more information or if you are interested in joining the Green Tea Graffiti team, please contact us at:

green tea graffiti, anime, media, hiring, japanese, writers, asian culture, korean

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