Oh what a weekend!

Apr 20, 2009 20:43

Thursday: After the regular daily life, we went to RPM Racing for 1 race. We could have a big track and all reserved, but I can understand money issues from peeps. Didn't do so bad, since I haven't been go-karting in that place since 2006. Went to TGI Fridays to eat. A nice way to relax and keep the good spirit high. Thanks for those who showed up. ^_^

Saturday: Decided to finalize cosplays for the CBF, since my cosplay wasn't entirely finished and had some cosplay problems. They were fixed enough though. Yes, we sacrificed some time to go to J-Town for some Free Sake or more importantly, the San Francisco Street Fighter IV Nationals, all because we were confident enough to have a chance to get in the float. However, after hearing the results and seeing pictures and videos from the events that a couple buddies of mine took, perhaps maybe that wasn't the best of decisions (see below of reason). Then again, a couple of buddies of mine took footage of it. They ended up with signatures from Daigo who, no surprise, swept the competition (even going 4-0 against Justin Wong), as well as Justin Wong. XD

Meanwhile, dinnertime with some of the community was fun. Had Yakisoba (first time eating it and it's good), cold sake, and red bean ice cream. Gave Craig some free surprise sushi filled with 2 wasabi balls. Sorry Craig. We had to throw a couple of fun. XD

Sunday: Cherry Blossom Festival Parade. It was extremely hot and dry. I don't remember going to a CBF with such temperature. In addition, the grassy area in City Hall is now turned into dry dirt. I nearly passed out choking over the bad dust (that or I was allergic to something around that area).

The costume contest was rather interesting. This'll be my first (didn't enter last year due to being too late for registration). I got Adriana (a detailed heartless) and Mattison (Game Boy) into the contest. Actually, this year surprised me as even late registration was able to enter this year, totally around 200+ people. Congrats to Adriana for winning 2nd place.

For those who wonder what I did, here's the costume (version 1):

Pink Nintendo DS Lite cosplay by *xxxplizit on deviantART

The Pink Nintendo DS. Touching is good! Click on picture for more details on the costume and credits. Major thanks to David, Robotech, and many others for helping out the costume! And NO, I did NOT lose my "manhood" nor get my penis cut for this. LMAO!!!

Despite quite some time on working on the costume, we didn't win the float on CBF's judging. Though we wanted the float, guess walking in the the crowd on the first version of the costume wasn't so bad, though some cosplay damage occurred during the process. Besides, I drank some sake from one of the parade people while at it and I spoke to George Takei who actually asked why we weren't on the float. I rather not discuss such topic since I can care less, but at least it was given such praise that even one of the judges afterwards gave it an honorable mention on the stage mic *looks at one of them in LJ*. Now to repair the costume and put kick-ass upgrades it for Anime Expo (not Fanime as I won't be able to bring it unless somehow someone can transport it). It was also fun raiding the crowd with some Nintendo cosplayers too during the parade. Hope we didn't get in trouble when some crowd people jumped out to touch the cosplayers. :P

One more thing: For those who didn't know, you guys could have asked us if you needed shadefrom the dreaded heat. Yes, we blocked the sun from people so that they don't get dehydrated as some people were. :P

Anyways, picture feed:

Oh, the group of friends, and some cosplayers wanting to play the DS and Game Boy!

Ukyo, That's NOT a stylus! You can't use that to touch the screen! XD

Brain Age + DS. Train your brain in a couple of minutes! LOLz

Dan! Hey, we are pink too!

Sorry, Game Boy doesn't carry Halo 3. :P

Daisy. We (Mario) saved your ass once in the first game. :P

Heartless. Congrats to Adriana for the second placing.

Demonstration of how the costume can be used for shade. :P

= = =

More pictures here. BTW, I didn't hold the camera 95% of the time. :P

ADDED upon permission:
ryuhayabusadoa2's album.
kei_tsubasa's album: Saturday / Sunday

More pictures can be found on other people's cosplay.com, photobuckets, and other sites. If anyone wants me to add theirs on my blog, that would work too. :P

Though I enjoyed this weekend, there's a couple of FU's I would like to cough off my chest that nearly ruined everything:
  • A couple of cosplayers (or so they say) swinging their props recklessly. Okay, I can understand people are excited to showboat on the parade, but Motherfuckers #1, you nearly hit us before and during the parade walk! Thank god I didn't stab your eyes in public with the Pink Stylus at hand!
  • Hearing more about "Con Politics/drama" (most unrelated to CBF though CBF discussion was to be expected anyways) and the bitching of it for a near-straight 2 hours. *Yawn* this shit bores me to death. The last thing I would like to hear is drama in general, especially at a time that I was celebrating my birthday that weekend. Motherfuckers #2.

Anyways, back to taking care of business. Major shoutouts to those who where there. Once again, you know who you are. Lots to do, yet still energetic. :P

game boy, ds lite, gba, ds, san francisco, nintendo, boxplay, cosplay, kickass, cherry blossom festival

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