Jan 23, 2006 19:00
Today ish my birfday and it was the most awesomest birfday ever!!! Well first off we had a snow day... although I wish we had school bc two ppl said they were gonna put stuff on my locker... Anyways tons of ppl wished me happy b-day let's get a list goin
Mike S.
Mike H.
Some random myspace dude
My Grama
My cousins (I got a card in the mail from 'em)
Sarah's Mommy
I think that's about it but that's still a lot!! I <3 all of you!
Let's see onto presents... Caitlyn got me an awesome card, and so did my cousin's. My grama's card is in the mail. I didn't get my present from Christina yet(she said she got me something). My mom got me the chocolate making kit from A.C Moore, Scotty got me Smidgens and Jayme got me an art pad! T.J. said his present isn't in yet but we all know what that means... lol. I also gots an ice cream cake bc last year I'm like I want an ice cream cake and my mom got me a Miss Ellies cake (which is good btw) but then T.J. got an ice cream cake and he didn't ask for one. So now I gots an ice cream cake. So I ish very content with my birthday this year. <3