Feb 15, 2012 12:23
About a week and a half ago I drove up to DC and went to the Occupy DC movement, not as a protester but an onlooker. It was crazy. And I really do mean crazy. People all over the place. Police. Protesters. Onlookers. Media. It was chaos.
When will it be enough? It was cold and raining. There were men in hazmat suits removing the people's tents. Not only did the cold and rain make this seem wrong, but the police had told that, baring certain regulations, the people could keep their tents- and they abided by this.
It was like a zoo. Some sort of sick, twisted zoo where the protesters were the animals and the onlookers were the excited children, the police the keepers. When I say onlookers, I don't mean media either. Sure there were media there, but there were also average civilians there, just watching. Most wi their cell phone cameras out, some of them smiling. I suppose in a way I'm was no better than them, ough my intentions there were not curiosity, but to get pictures and a story to expose the things that were going on.
It is not just on here I am writing either. I wrote an article and strategically placed photographs. I have two professors who have agreed to look at it and give me advice on it, perhaps help me find a way to at least get it looked at by someone who could publish it.
The whole thing is awful. I understand the cause. I truly do. But the faces I saw there...the people are tired, hungry and a lots of them seem ill. And I am not just talking about the protesters. It was the police too. This is taking its toll on everyone involved.
When will it be enou? When will something be done to actually resolve it instead of make people more angry?
And how long until this one turns violent too? Tired, sick, hungry...it all leads to short tempers and unrest. In some places, such as Oakland, it has already become violentb and continues to be such. How long until this one goes in that direction too?
It isnt just the people involved who are at risk either. Any passerby is put at risk. Even those who are just on their way to work have been put at risk by the streets shutting down, causing worse traffic than there already is.
Aain, when will it end? This is something that runs the risk of diving this country which calls itself United.