My Owen Hart memory/Martha's lawsuit.

Aug 03, 2010 12:33

I can see both points from Martha and Bret Hart.. both have reasons to why the lawsuit should/shouldn't be happening.. i actually happen to agree with both of them after reading alittle more into it.

Martha doesn't want her children reminded of what happened, which i fully understand, she doesn't want anyone thinking shes endorsing anything the WWE is putting out there since Owen's death. And i quote 'it is in direct disregard of Martha's and her children's objections.'

However, Bret has a point also cos as his brother he doesn't really want to see Owen's name and history wiped from the WWE as it was his career/fame and the people/fans would still like to see Owen's name up there. Bret states that he finds it ridiculous that Martha and her children want to pretend Owen was never a wrestler.. in a way i guess a reason for this is because its too painful for them to remember Owen that way and want to remember him only as a husband and father. Reality is, Owen was a public figure, and a good one, others want to remember him that way and still get to see what he did during his life. I kind of get what Bret means by her maybe using this second lawsuit as publicity for herself but at the same time how else is she going to go about it, it was so public what happened to Owen, it kind of makes sense to keep the second lawsuit that way.

I was in full support of the first lawsuit (of wrongful death) and part of me does understand why she has started a second one but is it really all worth it, Owen is gone, let him rest, let people honor his life.

There has to be a half way point for Martha and Vince, surely?

At this rate there is just going to be these never ending lawsuits being filed.

Would Owen want all this happening? We will never ever know.

As much as i love wrestling i didn't love what happened to Owen, it was awful, terrible and just heartbreaking and i never want to see such a thing happen again.

Keep Owen's memory alive by remembering him for how good he was (as a wrestler and a family man etc) and not just because of what happened to him. <3

On a more personal note, this one being the sad part, i was watching and taping WWE Over the Edge ppv live (the night Owen fell) on tv, i was half alsleep as it was about 1.30 - 2am when it happened.. all we saw was Owens interview he filmed earlier in the day on our screens. After it was done we were taken to a shot of the crowd in the arena avoiding showing the ring. This was because Owen had fell during the showing of his interview. This made me keep my eyes open even though i was so tired, Jim Ross told us they had a real problem on their hands and that it was a real as it gets and went on to explain that Owen had fell from his harness, as that was all they knew at the time, and that the emt's were working on him. :( I felt odd and sad and actually believed Owen was going to be ok.. or so i hoped.
I think it was about an hour or maybe less that they informed us that Owen had died.. the second i heard the word 'died' i was wide awake and in disbelief. :(
I still feel that way when i see the video of it. Just awful. :(
I was sad about it for weeks, still am.
I'd never seen anything so tragic, live especially, like it before.

On the happier part of this note i'd just like to recall when i got to see Owen live in the UK at an event called Mayhem in Manchester, it went straight to video which i bought as well as going to :).

I was 6 rows from the front and i remember him in a tag team match, i think he partnered with Ken Shamrock, and at one point Owen was on the apron of the ring, he turned and looked in my direction (as well as alot of other peoples on my side of the arena :0p ) and gave out a huge wave and smile.. i waved back amounst the many other waving hands because it actually seemed he looked right at me.. but ofcourse i could of been mistaken. :)

The second happier part of my note will remain the great memory i have knowing i got so close yet so far to Owen Hart :)

RIP Owen <3
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