Sep 24, 2005 23:07
this weekend has been really good, however i was gutted on thursday about not being able to go down to england. I need to wait until october now =[.
On friday i went to TGI Fridays for the first time in ageees and it was so good (thanks for a great night out btw =]). Mmm oreo milkshakes. Everyone should try one of these.
Then today i went into town with Laura <3 and met soo many people that i havent seen in agees, it was great. The cathouse was also amazing for once. It's the first time ive been since June but omgawd it was so good. It was so warm though and nothings changed downstairs apart from the paint going up to the top floor is now black instead of red. People should go back and try it. I bet now that ive said that itll be crap.
Also the hurricane missed my uncle. He was stuck in his house in Houston and couldnt get out in time, but luckily the hurricane diverted so now hes safe =]
Hope you all had a good day,