Who gets up at a quarter to 7 on a SATURDAY!!!!

Nov 22, 2003 06:55

Who gets up just now...and I was sleeping good...until I wake up all dehydrated and burning up/hot as hell!
Awww well I guess I am up with the kids who religiously watch Saturday morning cartoons...lol* But on a different note and why I came on here...I watched CAT IN THE HAT
last night....and don't wanna ruin it for everyone..but I really didn't like it at all. I was soooo pissed because I was really looking forward to it too. And that always happens when you get hyped for a movie. Although I was happy cuz I didn't know *JACK*Sean Hayes* from Will and Grace was in it!!!! (and sigh...who doesn't love JACK and he was great!) I mean it's cute...it's just that kind of movie you should wait to see on VIDEO* And it's a shame cuz I love Mike Myers*ALL HIS MOVIES*...and he was great but overall this whole movie just wasn't great. It's not really a kid movie either....they had lots of adult and kinda sexual innuendos. I guess they were making it for both audiences? but who knows there was just lots of that. I wasn't as disappointed as I thought I was gonna be...but if it makes sense..?!? I was still disappointed....And during the movie half of the theatre got up and left. It was crazy..the theatre was packed and half of them totally left. But just wanted to warn you guys...and save you guys a couple bucks.OK* Gonna watch T.V. and hope I can fall asleep*

Take care everyone*

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