May 26, 2005 16:32

Gather 'round and i shall tell ye a tale of the adventures of Robbie and Dale:

At about 1am we decide to go and take pictures in the loop- specifically Highbridge.  We took some long exposure experiments and everything was really calm.  No one else was out there...yet.


    Suddenly, this van pulled up and some drunken kids piled out of it.  We paid no attention to them at first but then, the alpha male of the pack striked up some conversation with us.  After the usual bs introduction routine we found out that they were in a band called "foe-hammer".  Metal.  Also they were highschool drop outs and one was a pirate who saw demons alot.  We got a picture with them too.

Anyways, they didn't stick around too long.  The one with the larged tatooed boobies got my cell... I think i'm in love.  Meanwhile, Robbie had another love he had to tend  At first we went to the nearest 7eleven establishment.  But when we arrived and saw doughnuts Krispy Kreme was the only thing on our minds.  We jetted over to the Ormond Location- keep in mind it is about 4am by now- only to find out that they opn at 6am.  This could not stand.  Robbie and I, the boldest of bold, made the excursion all the way to the treacherous regions of Daytona for the sugary circles of goodness. 

As we walked up we were smacked in the face with the harsh realization that the glow of the "" sign had faded.  Being reassured by the cashier that the doughnuts would be ready by 5am, we held our ground and waited eagerly.



(get it? dough-NUTS)

We gorged ourselves leaving only 4 of the delicious halos left.  I had my fill.

To the victors go the spoils...Robbie won the Krispy-Kreme-Mobile!

Not really.


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