Saturday is a must read, the others you can read if you have time

Dec 27, 2005 14:32

After leaving Mary’s Movie/girls night out get together I had to go to a Hinson luncheon. All my Seattle family was there which was cool. I found out my sort of step cousin is having a baby girl named Victoria Jean and she wants me to baby-sit even though she lives in Woodstock.
Found out that:
both my cousins and my brother are failing half of their courses at their colleges.
My cousin Davey is moving out of my, which is good b/c he was getting kind of annoying with the tone deaf singing, eating all the food, hogging my lab top, and nagging my family and me for money.

So that night my brother and cousins Davey, Chi chi, and Andrew went out partying. My brother came back home sober, but my other 3 cousins were no where to be seen. My brother says my cousin Andrew was drunk off his ass and kept talking about Jesus Christ. So I asked my mom if I could get him a six pack and a bible for Christmas and she that it was a funny and good idea, but my grandfather would hate it since he is a Methodist minister.

I was suppose to go to 2 Christmas eve parties but my mom decided to skip the one we always go to, and my family had to go to the one that was held by our closer Bolivian friends. When I got there I got this call from an unknown number, but by the time I fond my phone in my purse they had already left the message. So I listen to the message and I heard “hey Sonia, haven’t seen you in a long time…We haven’t gone on our date yet, maybe we can hang out, go to a restaurant.” First of I was like EMIL you know my brother’s friend who keeps bugging me to go on a date, it sounded exactly like him. I told my brother after he listen to the message and he confirmed that it was. So he called Emil and started telling Emil how stupid he was. Then Emil was serious and told my brother he didn’t do it. I listened to the message again and this time I heard “hey Sonia, haven’t seen your black ass in awhile” So then my next thought was Jamie, the guy I met at Sarah’s party. There was a girls voice in the background that sounded familiar also. My brother took the liberty to call the number and then posed as God. A girl answer the phone and my brother was like “Hello, my I ask who I’m am calling…Yah this is God…Oh so you gave your phone to your cousin…What is his name…I am god I need to know his last name so I can curse him for eternity…His name is Jim.” I was then thinking , you mean Jamie right, ah so close but not really. Anyways back to my brother’s dialogue, “And who is this I am speaking to…Hannah Farhan (or whatever) ….Merry Christmas” Yah so it was Hannah Farhan. I guess she felt the need to leave me a 2+ minute message with her cousin making rude comments and playing the guitar and girls laughing. I thought she wanted my number to hang out, not leave prank messages on Christmas eve.

Had to travel to Hilton Head…bored out of my mind.

Word of advice: Check where you are sitting in a hot tub, otherwise guys might get a show.

Watching guys work out, they are so conceited!!!


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