Sep 29, 2008 22:52
I got the random urge to devote my blog to you,
just because... I got the random urge..
Oh, Bree-Anna, You're like the sister.. no, I already have a sister.
You're like the mother... no, you're too silly to be my mother.
You're like the... best friend... I have?
You are one of my bestest friends, and you know me better than... someone who doesn't know me.
(wow, this is turning out to be good)
You are comforting;
You're ALWAYS there for me, as I hope I am with you
(Feel no regrets in telling me if I'm not)
Even if you're there in sarcasm and sillyness,
you're always there (:
You correct my grammar mistakes (Which I make too often)
And you read my stories on livejournal and fictionpress,
and always tell me how you feel about them.
You are absolutely hilarious
(remember the time you were laughing at me for ten straight minutes?
i still don't know what was so funny for you, but it was mighty entertaining
for Amy and me!)
and you can make jokes out of anything, automatically making me feel
so, so much better, no matter what;
"You don't look like a man."
You're silly ( as I have stated many times), caring, motherly, and silly.
You recommend good books to me, and I hope I do the same for you
(When you finish that current book, tell me so I can borrow it!)
And you do not hesitate in telling me exactly how you feel,
about exactly everything, in the exact perfect way.
LOL. "I'll edit in a sex"
"I mean sec"
--the lovely bree-Anna
thats all I can think of about you that I feel noteworthy,
other than your gorgeous red hair, which I totally love,
and your "take no shit" attitude.
(Have fun finding the probably numerous errors in this post)
Do you know what, Allie? You are the loveliest girl I have ever met! Even underneath the sarcasm and silly-ness, =). Love you!
just a post