wow so yeah

May 25, 2006 03:48

its been a while since i posted. 10 days actually. a lot has happened without anything really going on.....

a quick rundown: 
- got very sick with a kidney infection, that i still have and has moved to a bladder infection on top of it
- i found a lump in my breast that i cant get checked until the 8th of june. breast cancer runs in the family.
- had a breakdown, tho the complete nervous breakdown is still under the surface but trust me its coming. oh is it coming.
- im really confused about bobby. and i miss him terribly.
- i have stress cardiomyopathy. i dont like to talk about it. i need to pay my doctor off so i can get something to help it before my heart gives out.
- my car was towed. 
- i never get any sleep. ever. if i do its no more than 3 broken hours.
- this whole always pretending to be happy is really starting to take its toll.
- i cant stand them anymore. i saw it coming but didnt think it would happen so fast. (if youre close to me you know what im referring to)
- i fell at work and fukced up my right side (shoulder to ankle). its bruised as shit and is very sore. i hurt my knee and ankle. but its tolerable.
- realized just how many real friends i dont have
- discovered no matter how many drugs i do or how much i drink, i cant make it go away.
- randomly a message from my brother the other day  that was very kind and for a split second made me feel a little better. im glad we get along and can be friends.

there have of course been other things and there are a lot more details to what i just listed but i dont wish to go into right now.

my brother is offline so i dont have anyone to talk to about things so im gonna go cry myself back to sleep.
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