Health and Birth Control Rants

Apr 08, 2004 14:44

My new doctor called me up today and told me that she found something in my past blood work that concerns her. She said she has been examining my full health records and she needs to clarify some points and ask me some specific questions. She says I'll probably have to go through some more tests again. Specifically a glucose blood test, which I assume would test me for diabetes. The glucose test is going to involve me fasting for 12 hours beforehand. That will not be fun for me and I will be one cranky girl.

*sighs* The area of concern in my blood work is some really odd long name and I don't know what it is and I didn't get the chance to ask her because the phone convo was very hurried. It is something that was not mentioned by my regular doctors. It is an area that is specifically affected by birth control pills so my regular doctors must have not thought anything of it because of that fact, but my new doctor said that it still conerns her because the concentration of whatever the fuck it is was just so high and I'm such a small girl.

I trust this doctor. She's actually a Naturopath doctor and she relies heavily on her intution. And she told me she knows that something is off in my body. But I didn't need someone with acclaimed intuition to tell me that.

I have known that something was wrong for a long time, I wouldn't have subjected myself to former past tests if I hadn't felt that something seriously was wrong.

And my health has been a lot worse lately. My trip really wore me down. I had very low energy levels when I was up there and I was very sick for 2 days or so after I returned. And ever since then I haven't been sleeping well. And I've been getting migraines. Like really bad migraines. I take 4 Ibuprofens for the migraines each day and for someone who weighs under 110 lbs, that's a rather high dosage but anything less won't work for me. Of course I haven't been sleeping well so I think my migraines are connected to that but who the fuck knows.

Something else I am pondering today goes back to the birth control link. I started taking birth control pills when I was 16. My fatigue started to get worse right around the same time but I never made a connection and my doctors at the time never mentioned anything.

And now I'm concerned about diabetes. Because BC pills are known to cause diabetes in women. I was just discussing diabetes last night with a friend and today I took the time to look up more information and now I feel uneasy. I'm surprised that I haven't already been tested for diabetes, seems like that would make sense considering my age, my fatigue, and that I've been on BC pills for over 4 years.

Oh. Actually I just remembered that I have had basic glucose tests done before. But they were done by pricking my finger, they weren't this whole 12 hour fasting thing.

Ok. I have to stop looking up information on diseases because I swear I'm going to convince myself that I have them all. And there's really no use in stressing out before I go and get this stupid test done.

I do have to say though that I don't feel good about taking BC pills anymore. Not after sitting here and reading further in depth about all the risks associated with them. But I don't really have any other options. I was considering an IUD but I was just reading about the insertion method there and you have no idea how close I just came to throwing up. I don't think I want something like that stuck inside me. It's really sucky that we still don't have the perfect birth control option. The pill is pretty damn good but it has its complications and taking a pill everyday at the same time really isn't that easy.

I seriously think that I should just get my tubes tied. I like the thought of being pregnant one day but I certainly wouldn't wish to keep the baby. I'd wish to carry it for someone I knew that couldn't have their own. But the more I think about current conditions of the world, the more I realize that I am very aganist bringing a child into this global society. And I would always feel guilty wondering if the child I helped create was a happy child or a miserable child. Why create another human being if they are just going to experience so much ugliness and pain? Everything in the world is too unstable right now and it's not going to be better in 20 years or so. And I still think it's quite possible that I would spawn the child of Satan or the next Hitler.

So yeah. I think everyone needs to help me raise $2500 so I can find a doctor that will sterilize me. My insurance company won't pay for the procedure, even if I am going to die if I ever have a baby. Anyone who donates a dollar to my sterilization fund can have sex with me after I get the procedure done. Ok, kidding. I am well aware that sterilization won't protect me from STI's/STD's but at least then I wouldn't have to be taking these stupid birth control pills that are probably going to give me diabetes, blood clots, or a goddamn heart attack. Now if only I would have $2500 within the next few years and an available doctor that would be willing to do the procedure. Apparently Planned Parenthood offers the procedure. You can usually do payment plans with them and everything...I think in 5 years from now I will seriously consider getting this done. Yeah, we'll see.

Well, I'll keep everyone updated on my health. I'm sure everyone will have to hear about me bitching right before this stupid fasting test. I am in such a foul mood today.
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