I meant to write about the book that I am reading. It is Understanding Sexual Violence: A Study of Convicted Rapists by Diana Scully and published in 1990
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First of all, the culture I was referring to here was strictly American culture, which I could have specified.
As for the type of rape I was talking about here, I was limiting it to the most common form: man forcing female. I am well aware of there being many other variations such as male forces male, female forces female, or female forces male.
As for all men being potential rapists, I do think every human is capable of rape, I don't think it's some freak impulse that only deranged people have. But I think our culture should be doing more to stop rapes from happening. Yes, rapes have been going on since the beginning of civilization, but for slightly different cultural reasons. Which I expressed in my entry.
As for you asking if rapes were bound to happen or a proven fact, I did not say that I belived this to be. There are some people who cite rape as a biological tendancy and I don't think that I believe that. Even if it was true, I don't see it as much of an argument for rape in our modern society.
And as for your point about our society putting men in jail for it, sure we do that, but there are many flaws with the legal system in regards to sexual violence. First of all, each state has its own defintion of rape and rape variations. That can get messy. For example, in some states if a victim was forced to perform oral sex that doesn't count the same as penetration rape.
Secondly, most victims are afraid to report their crime as only 39% of rapes are reported and only 16.3% of those result in the perpetrator being put behind bars. (Ncpa.org)
And the worst thing about our system of punishment is that we allow sexual violence to happen inside the prison systems which is unjust and further roots justification of sexual violence in certain individuals.
As for the type of rape I was talking about here, I was limiting it to the most common form: man forcing female. I am well aware of there being many other variations such as male forces male, female forces female, or female forces male.
As for all men being potential rapists, I do think every human is capable of rape, I don't think it's some freak impulse that only deranged people have. But I think our culture should be doing more to stop rapes from happening. Yes, rapes have been going on since the beginning of civilization, but for slightly different cultural reasons. Which I expressed in my entry.
As for you asking if rapes were bound to happen or a proven fact, I did not say that I belived this to be. There are some people who cite rape as a biological tendancy and I don't think that I believe that. Even if it was true, I don't see it as much of an argument for rape in our modern society.
And as for your point about our society putting men in jail for it, sure we do that, but there are many flaws with the legal system in regards to sexual violence. First of all, each state has its own defintion of rape and rape variations. That can get messy. For example, in some states if a victim was forced to perform oral sex that doesn't count the same as penetration rape.
Secondly, most victims are afraid to report their crime as only 39% of rapes are reported and only 16.3% of those result in the perpetrator being put behind bars. (Ncpa.org)
And the worst thing about our system of punishment is that we allow sexual violence to happen inside the prison systems which is unjust and further roots justification of sexual violence in certain individuals.
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