Hellooo people. I’m back (well, i will be when i post this). Not a lot to say really. Holiday was okay, lots of crappy rainy weather and a little bit of nice sunny weather. I do have a tan though so it’s all good. Tbh, when i got on holiday and saw where we were staying, i was on the edge of tears. We stayed in this converted stables, and the amount of spiders in my room was ridiculous. I spent over an hour vacuuming them up. But it was all right in the end and i did have a really good time.
It’s amazing how House focussed this holiday was though. That was probably the best part about it. Every night my sister and i watched House. We got through seasons 2 and 3 and we’re watching season 4 in the car now. It’s her first time watching House and she loves it. She’s not as big a Huddy shipper as I’d like her to be but she really loves House himself. We also watched Lisa interviews and fanvids most nights which I especially loved. She’s not in love with Lisa yet but i think she’s starting to like her because of all the connections with America’s Top Model that Lisa has (which is my sister’s favourite show). So anyway, we watched House every night, so naturally i had all these quotes in my head that i had to keep shouting out. My dad said it was as if my head was full of quotes bouncing around and then every so often i had to blurt one out so as i didn’t explode. Lol. That’s pretty much how it was. So now my parents say they feel as if they’ve seen all the episodes themselves. But if all that wasn’t enough, every shop we went into seemed to be playing a song from House. It was so weird. I’d be like ‘OMG!’ and my dad would go ‘Let me guess...another House song?’ Lol. It must have happened about 10 times. Near the end of the holiday, we were in this surf shop and Teardrop came on, so naturally i freaked the fuck out, and then my dad said that he had it on his iPod, as well as You Can’t Always Get What You Want and I Don’t Like Mondays, which we’d heard in other shops. So In the car on the way home we had this epic House sing-a-long and i cannot even explain how it felt to here that music with of us all listening. It was like a deep feeling of happiness and belonging and idek, it made me realise how much i love being around here and with you guys and how much this show means to me. I just feel like i belong here. When we got back to our house i looked on my laptop to find that
kerryaod (the little star!) had given me the House soundtrack on a CD ages ago. I texted her to see if it was the official one, and it was, so as you can imagine i was flailing my ass off to it for the whole of last night when i was packing. So yeah, it was a pretty House (and Lisa) packed holiday, the best kind of Holiday imo.
I’m writing this in the car because i’m on my way home now. Me and my sis are gonna watch House again now (we had to stop because she was sick...nice. Lol) When i get home i’m gonna have my A-Level exam results waiting for me, so i’m really quite excited yet nervous about getting those. I’ll probably post later as long as they’re not too disappointing (in which case you’ll probably get a nice long emo entry, lol). Hope everyone is okay, i’d love to hear what you’ve all been up to. It’s good to be back xD