Dec 10, 2012 07:08
ive been so busy yet i cant remember what ive been doing, xmas wrapping gifts up, putting tree up, shopping, seeing best friend, doctors/hospitals spending my nights collapsed on sofa with kev...we usually have a chat, giggle and some drinks...
I am doing well, i am managing 1 litre of feed (jevity 1.1) and about 300 cals a day on average. water retention still bad, weights now 41.7kg ... way too high but i am trying not to freak and just hope it drops abit soon, defo before xmas. then i will be prepaired to up my feed, which ive been told to do already but i just cant knowing im still so swollen etc.
blood test again this week, hoping i dont need meds but phosphate probably off due to refeeding syndrome...but just wish this swelling would go down, i cant even get my rings off and i need to as one of the diamonds have come out (idk if ive mensioned this in other post) but they have a new one on order for me, yet cant get the bloody buggered one off !!!
today kevs off so we are going shopping then going out for some drinks at his local, its so nice in there, log fire and just so friendly, we prob end up staying at his parents, im going to be spending xmas day there...WITH FOOD....i am going to try have meat and veg and not panic. my intake consists atm of baked crisps, prawns and satsumas...
had a few slips where i have took a couple of lax but thats just to help bowel movement as they said i should be having one every two days and that hasnt happened so took 3 lax one day and then 3 yday. but no more abuse on them, i take sf laxido instead and try drink a glass of fresh orange or prune juice a day.
my heads struggling but i continue to do feeds etc. just when will my period come back????
also lost a dear friend through anorexia this week and another friend is in a coma on life support as she hung herself, prays needed for her to pull through, things arent looking good :(
life IS precious...its taking me a while to see this but i do now, i wish i could help people more xox