Jan 19, 2007 16:58
i'm at work, supposedly doing homework, but i'm grouchy and hungry. this isn't really a change from being home doing homework and being grouchy and hungry, except that at home i'm usually naked and under a blanket and at work i'm pretty obviously not. also, i was too wired on coffee yesterday to get the few hours of sleep i should have... this would be an accurate statement if by "few" i meant "more hours than god."
dudes. i'm out of it. heavy ro might suck for me tonight -- except for my new drink that i got at wildside of magners over ice with cranberry juice and a lime; holy shit, it makes everything better. i'm looking forward to it making everything better.
i thought i was just hallucinating, but the cafe is playing "anthems for a 17 year old girl," which means... well... i'm not.