May 18, 2005 06:05
I finally went to the doctors for my wrist ( sprained it at the Greeley show ). So the doctor was too lazy to give me a real cast ( We didnt get called in till after hours ) he gave me this cool brace thing...but I still want a real cast. -tear-
I also have pink he gave me some eye drop things...and it sucks. Yep.
Im going to school today. ( I didnt go yesterday cause of the pink eye ). My eye is already doing a lot better than yesterday...but it still itches. Atleast its not BRIGHT red. lol...
I had Blimpie for dinner last night, and now Im eating the rest of my sandwich for breakfast...Im so effing hungry IDC what I eat, I just need to eat! =O
My wrist hurts.
So Jordan said that they missed me at lunch yesterday...haha how cute. Hes a hottie, y'all should see him...and Brian. Those guys are so funny. =) Im glad I sit with them at lunch now.
School isnt out till May 26th...Im going crazy. But HEY! Thats like a whole week earlier than Willow Canyon gets out. -Screams in excitement- So yea, thats pretty cool.
Speaking of school, they took me out of that one dumb class that I know nothing about, Contemporary Issues, and guess what! The only reason I go to school now is for math. Joy? Yea...If I had a ride home, they would let me leave after I toold math. WTF. ILL WALK HOME FER THAT! hahaha...jk, but still...common! I want to go home, or have some reason to stay in school all day...I have Band (the music is too hard to learn by grad. night), Math, Study Hall, Study Hall, Lunch, English (I just sit there, and I dont have to take the final or do any work), and then I aid in the guidance office.
MMMKKAAAY...can y'all say pointless?!?! yYYYyyea! I definately can!
I like hanging out with Brian and Jordan and their other few friends at lunch though, so I guess theres ONE thing to look forward to.
OH EM GEE! Cay + Mo + Me = HANGING OUT FRIDAY NIGHT! Im so effing excited. I havent seen Morgan sinse forever...and Cay sinse my birthday. This is going to be so fun! YAY!
Theres a fashion show at the four white walls on Saturday...I want to go with Eva...we'll see. =)
Did I mention my wrist hurts
Im not sure that I have anything else to say, so yessum...I am done.
<3 Stef