Title:Second Chances: Unexpected Surprises
Genre/Pairing: Gen with hinted slashness, future - Gabriel & Sam, Castiel & Dean, Gabriel & Dean,
Rating: M
Word count: 15620
Warnings/Spoilers: Time Travel, Temporary Character Death, Mild Language, Humor, spoilers for season 1-5, Fluff
When Gabriel died he hadn't expected much more to happen to him, but waking up in purgatory, seeing what happens in a future without him, then being sent back in time was just the tip of the ice burg.
What's a former angel and trickster to do now?
Answer: Winchesters.
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Art! Notes
I want to thank everyone who helped out with this, my artist lostmyticket who made such awesome art for the story! Also my beta rune_rvn who is also my best friend, she not only helped kick my butt to finish this she also took time out of her busy secheduel in order to beta this for me. Thanks a lot!
I also wanted to make mention that this is only the first story in a series I got planned, the second story will pick up where this one left off, in Cold Oaks.
This is were the major chances in cannon will take place, I'm still working out some things, but for the majority this story will proabably be twice as long as this one. I'm not sure when it will be finished but I'm sure to have most of it done by the next Gabriel big bang.
I know that a lot of you are proabably thinking that the Winchesters and Bobby are acting a little too trusting but I totally have a reason for this, because this series is placed at the end of Season 2, before Sam dies and Dean sells his soul, before their brotherly love begins to break apart and resentments begin to fester, their are a lighter hearted Winchesters that we had loved in the beginning seasons, not the angst angst angst that we know nowadays in seasons 6 and 7.
So they are more trusting and more open, they might not accept Gabriel right off the bat no matter how nice they are to him but the potential is there and Gabriel senses that, which is actually freaking him out a bit since he is use to the angsty bros.
Anyway if anyone has any questions or comments I will be happy to answer anything you ask. :)