Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

Nov 28, 2010 16:33

Last week, I got a chance to watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. This movie has already lift up my high expectations after my disappointment on the 6th and 5th movies. Well, truthfully speaking, 6th is my least favorite followed by 5th.

Anyway, this movie follows the same style as the 4th movie where they modified some scenes but retain most of the important details. I cannot say yet if this movie is my most favorite since the 4th one. But when Part 2, then we'll see.

While watching the movie, I tried to recall the events that happened in the book. And the movie did show much of the very important events and explanations. Also, the movie did justice to some events in the book. (e.g.: Hedwig's death. In the book, Hedwig died in the cage after the Death Eater hit her with the Killing Curse. But in the movie, Harry lets Hedwig fly in the sky before he and Order left and during the ambush, the Death Eater hit Hedwig with the Killing Curse, causing the poor owl to fall into the ground.) But there are some events which we tad disappointing (e.g.: The Dursleys leaving: In the book, Dudley told Harry that he cares for him and said to his parents to say goodbye to him. But in the movie, they just left without saying goodbye.)

Anyway, David Yates seems to improve here after what he did in the 5th and 6th movies. Most especially, the 5th movie. The scenes were really awesome most especially, Nagini snapping at the camera. Whoa, it really jumps you off the chair. There also scenes that were emotional like Hermione, erasing her parents' memories and Dobby's death. But my most favorite is the Three Brothers story. I really like the animation which is so cool.

For now, we'll have to wait for Part 2 of Deathly Hallows. And yeah, I'm really anticipating for the epic battle in Hogwarts and deaths of certain characters which really made me cry. And yeah, that will be showing next year. So, the the Grand Finale begin!

review, novel, movie

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