Well, I'm back but just this once since this is something which I want to share you all.
Last semester, this friend of mine (I'll call him AJ) announces to his batchmates (including me) that he is gay. My reaction:
. Yes, I mean I was surprised that AJ is a hearthrob in our college. That's right, he's handsome, good-looking and intelligent. Many girls have a crush on him (including our feminine gay classmates). He won as Mr. Intramurals last year in which he has a picture with Ms. Intramurals (who is a Korean) in the school's website. There are even rumors that he's going out with one of female batchmates which we jokingly think that they are a couple. Heck, one of my batchmates secretly took a picture of him and her holding hands as if it's a romantic movie. There's even one time when AJ found out about that pic and beg (on knees
) my batchmate not to post it on Facebook.
But when he confessed that he is gay, we were surprised. Even our two professors are surprised. Well, coincidentally, our topic at that time is homosexuality and ways on how to deal with homosexual counselees (actually it focused more on gays since lesbians will be discussed later on). I guess that after our female professor discussed about this, AJ must have found the courage to come out. Well, our female professor did gave him some reminders that he can continue to pursue his career despite his sexual orientation.
After that, we applauded AJ for coming out. Well, most of us here including me since I'm no homophobe. I don't know about the reaction of some of my batchmates who are homophobes. I guess that they can tolerate that since we're all professionals here. But, at least AJ wouldn't care.
After a few days since that big announcement, we still go on in our daily lives. There are no ill grudges or anything. We still see him as the man we all know: handsome, good-looking and intelligent.
Oh what about that girl who is rumored to be going out with AJ? Well, she's just friends with him and of course, she did know that he's gay. I guess that she's indeed a close friend. When some of my batchmates asked her if she did know about that, she just laughed and said, "Well, isn't it obvious?!"
Uh, idk. I didn't see. But then, I realize that since AJ is a big fan of Lady Gaga. And yet, he even know that dance moves of her music video, "Alejandro".
Yeah, I really want to share this to you since I find this very inspiring.
With that, I leave with Lady Gaga's "Alejandro"
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