Oct 06, 2004 00:07
after my insanely good day at school, i realized that none of my good mood or wicked good day coulda been possible. to expand upon that a little, my life would not be anywhere as close to bein cool if it weren't for my friends. heck i'd still have the anthem of I'm Just A Kid- Simple Plan. so here's a tribute to all u who i love so much n have been there for me day in and day out. if you don't see you're name here but you are reading this journal and are my friend...kill me. haha here it goes!
brit- dude u rock my flip flops lmao. so many crazy times between our trips 2 the mall, bakery and football games. chillin out after school or just talkin on the phone always turns into some hysterical scenario does it not? oh and god forbid we go without answereing life's questions on the pool deck! so many memories i will never forget. thanx for everythin...especially room and board lmao lylas ~jess n casey bffl~
nick- two months. whoa. where'd it go? at any rate, we've got some insane memories between the girl's tournaments, football games and corn mazes. ure always there 2 talk 2...somewhat lmao j/k. thanx for all the little things u do. ily baby. *8*8*04 (hope this isn't too corny lmfao)
eric- my one and only teddy bear. who woulda thought that us 2 losers would end up at lasalle havin the time of our lives? i mean seriously no one at father holland coulda envisioned that right? u mean so much 2 me u eskimo u. lmao. too many good times to count. ly buddy! bffl
brianne- so much stuff has happened between the two of us and some how we've made it through. that's absolutely incredible. i don't know where i'd be today without you and matt and eric. all the small things make a big difference. and those memories with the flour and the canoe are just unforgetable. ily so much and always will no matter where i move to...promise- emmibean (EB!!! ITS A DRUG lmao)
kelly- oh man. you are definetly the definition of OFF THE HOOK. think about it! u n me r havin twins remember? and 5 is our lucky number. those times we played orange in bio and wrote notes on the same piece of paper when we were sitting next 2 each other in the nurses office! and now italian. who knows what will happen next! ly kid don't let the world get u down <3 garfield and odie <3 bffl
pills- WE'RE GOING TO MASSACHUSETTS...ON THE DOUBLE. you're another one pills that can be defined in one word, but this time the word is insanity! yes that's right. you always seem to make me laugh uncontrollably for one reason or another. like remember when we were in the pool at brit's? enough said. but yea ure the shhhh IT. mL dude
nick v.- my sexy lover. no i take that back. ure 2 close 2 b my lover. ure more like a brother than anything. so many inside jokes and silent laughs. kid ure the greatest italian speakin kid in like the universe! well besides the italians and w/e lmao. ly 4evr n always!
caleigh coolio- ahh why i called u kim i don't know lol. my first redheaded friend hehe. many many absurd and odd moments eh? we had our little predicament but that is ovr and in the past. dude u da bomb therefore i love u hehe :) and i decided u n i tied for first place in the cool competition.
vinny- how i miss the aztec dances. remember how we used 2 piss williams off? oh the glory days. i'm sad that we have no classes together this year vin. it's quite depressing. no matter what happens i still wanna b the honored maid at ure mansion and the honored stewardess on ure yacht. mL vinny
erin- :::right hand, left hand::: YEA. can you believe that we hated each other last year like seriously. that was quite the relationship we had last year huh? it's hard 2 think that now we're tite like paper n glue. i think you can use paper n glue as an example. anyway. memories in the making! such as shifty on the front stairs of school! lyl chica
lisa- holy crap. if you took everytime we've seen each other at a tournament or something and put it all together you would have the funniest sitcom in the history of this planet. between goin 2 gregg's and goin 2 the away tournaments, am i right or what?! this years gonna b so much fun! katie n nick can drive now yahoo! xoxo coletti
pascale- oh my god alissa pascale you are like my hero shortie! haha so many great times in italian huh? AIUTOOOOOOOOOOO! lmao kid ily
chelsea- i'll never be in a click! NEVER. LMAO. oh u jap you crack me up sometimes. bowling is gonna b great this year huh? i can't wait mL
robert- dr. rob, hannibal, german whoever you are on a certain day i love u no matter what. you're absolutely crazy and have always been there if i needed u. thanx for everythin buddy love always
mego- so many nicknames all from a different time last year. too many to list just like the memories. ure the best mego! mL
guillermo- i don't know what i have done without you last year in italian. you're like a big brother to me now and i'm gonna miss you like crazy next year. all the stuff that's been said and everythin that doesn't need 2 b will stick with me forever...ly so much!
nick delisi- granted we met like 5 months ago we've become pretty good friends wouldn't you say so? there's so many great times ahead...that's if you turn into a square square and not a triangular one lmao. i still luv u haha. i mean after all your my wonderwall!
jimmy- oh well. lots a stuff i could say here but i'm keep it short and sweet to say thanx for everythin u freakin hawk. mL
foxy, meenan, potter and the rest of the Lady Rams Hockey Team- you guys are like sisters to me and last season would definetly been odd without you. we'll win at least one game this year!...i hope mL gurlz
nicole and matt- we've never really been tight guys but we definetly have had our moments. hopefull there are more on the way! haha mL guys
emizzle- we just met but ure the other emizzle therefore youre cool like me :) dude seriously we're just way 2 cool for everyone else...except mayb cmuny cuz u adore her but ok. our name is definetly the best one out there!
ashley- AP u were the first person i met going into lasalle, well actually at basketball camp but ok. we've had some laughs and definetly made it through some rough times in geo! haha oh well. mL ash
jamesey- dude i met u like 4 weeks ago but it's insane how cool we r wit each other now huh? i think it's awesome. there are definetly some good times in the making during gym class huh? mL kid
ally and sammi- u 2 definetly made goin 2 english, religion and gym worthwhile last year. the presentations n prayer services seem to stick out vividly in my mind that's a good thing lol. ly both!
my freshmen buddies- emily, lucy, liz, and tasha, you 4 are just fittin rite in2 the whole scheme of things i can tell haha make the most of it guys. luv ya!
mikey and brian- it's 2004, we met in 1991. nothin will ever break the friendship we got guys. there's just no way in hell, between the doughboys, boat trips, banana cream pies, cape cod radio mystery theaters, hockey games, football games, capture the flag, lacrosse, swimming you name it. i'm so glad to have you guys around all the time and i miss you both so much already. love always
now for name shouts:
lance, jenn, meg, liz, liz, erin, colleen, angelo, brianne day, amy, lemoi, brownie, julia, grant, lia, nicole, christina, leah, jillian, courtney, steph m, kayla, brittany, kara, matty b, john, scott, alex, raschel, rolly, sarah l- mL guys...
i hope u guys read this!! haha i took me 2 hours...my comp crashed the first time and i was 3/4 done haha.
ly nick