(no subject)

Oct 11, 2010 09:21

James and i finally got married. We are both extremely relieved. We question if thats wrong to be so happy that its over, but agree that we are SO happy that it is! The wedding day was simply perfect. We couldnt believe how seamless it was. I would post pics, but my computer cord has crapped out and i cant! Im so pissed, but if u go to TPphotography.net, click on "featured" and click on Ashley And James u can see a slideshow.

Im working on getting my life back to normal. Slowly trying 2 get back into shape and possibly pop in2 a few auditions. Im not quite sure what j want to do with myself right now and trying not to let it get me down (i am currently only working 3 days a week and this leaves me feeling a bit worthless- if u know me at all u know that i love to be incredibly busy)..... I will have to update more soon but im off to sword/yoga practice.

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