
Mar 04, 2004 17:27

i jus got this live journal thing all the "emos" been rubber ducki-ing about and well uh, its fuckin complicated. i signed up so i could make fun of ppl and post absurd msgs in ppl thingies. n it slike, askin me all these fuckin questions like it wants to marry me or something. how old are u? where do u live? straight or homo? how long is ur dick? jeez. n then its askin me all these questions like do u want to show users IP adress and who do u want to reply to ur live journal. and other complicated shit like gender. and what i like. i was like. uhhh. hockey? beer? women?
women! hmm what am i supposed to write in this thing any way? like what i did today? ok, hmmm, today i went to school then i came home and sat down. thats it. sooo exciting. lemme tell ya. its gunna be like this every entry. "today i went to school came back and sat down" or "today i woke up bitchin early to go play hockey and we got our asses kicked" then ill prolly list how i checked a buncha kids and hit that one annoyin kid on my team. hmmm. yea. good deal. ok. u can reply or what ever u guys do. i dont know what ur gunna say. u could be like, "woah dude bitchin cool LJ"
im bored. ok im going to go now.
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