Feb 21, 2008 01:35
It has been a few years since i used this live journal.
I went back and read everything i had ever written.
I couldn't believe, the words, and what i had gone through with everyone. Now i look back and i realize how sad we all were writting all our days events, to make ourselves more interresting, to the public eye. otherwise we would seize to be alive, without anyone paying attention to one another. i heard one say when theres no one to hate, we then find something to hate about ourselves.
Well hmm ...
I know all my friends are now addicted to drugs and myspace.
But im going to update you a little on whats been up these past years.
I now live in Tempe, Az.
I love it, and hate it, all at the same time.
I never thought i would leave El Paso.
I have made the greatest friends here, and have made my older friendships more stronger.
Nora and i are still best of friends, as we were, now we only see each other on major occassions, and when one isnt busy with life.
Corina is my roomate.
she has a ginger of her own.
Cookie has her man. Chris..
Diego is leaving to LA.
everyone i have meet basically goes to culinary school.
its weird how this world keeps getting smaller.
christy is going to graduate this year.
my little sis.
anabel had her little girl. no boys. no more kids she said.
Monica, she drinks smokes pot and has a life of her own. im proud.
me .
i do nothing, of importance.