
Sep 19, 2009 23:00

Work is actually pretty cool. I'm still in training, but none the less, I think I like it. It turns out that my trainer is my friend Angel's older brother. Angel and I have devised a plan to prank his brother. We're going to convince Luis (my trainer) that I'm 2 months pregnant with Angel's baby. It's going to be great.

I've actually thought about getting Luis in on it, and prank Angel instead. I may just tell Luis about Angel's plan, and then have him call Angel and get really excited about it, or really upset about it. I'm worried that if Angel has the same mind-set as I do, and get's Luis in on the prank first, that I may end up to be the one who's pranked. For example, Angel could do as I'm thinking of doing, and get his brother to make a HUGE deal about me being preggo with Angel's kid. I don't know. Either way, it's going to be funny.

The only thing I'm concerned about with this job, is learning to work the computer (putting in orders, printing checks, blah blah blah) properly and quickly enough. Everyone has been telling me that I'll catch on with it really quick. Let's just hope they're right.

It also turns out that Luis worked with me at Olive Garden for a bit. He kept telling me how familiar I was, but I had no idea what he was talking about until he figured out that we used to work together.

So far, the people I'm working with seem pretty nice. Hopefully, it stays that way. Tomorrow is day 4 out of my 5 days of training. Then I have to start acting like I know what I'm doing. I can run food and take orders, but inputting them into the system and splitting checks or adding things or any of that, I'm not so secure about.

I just  feel really good about working again. I had been with out a job for 5 months, which is the longest I've ever been jobless. No one was hiring. I had never had such a hard time finding a job before. I'm having to get back into the hang of being functional again. It's not so hard though. I'm just excited to be able to take some of the bills off my mother's hands again.
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