Nov 27, 2006 21:29
This is a little ackward to talk about but it is really starting to bother me. I had this dream. It was two nights ago. It was so real. I was in a feild with someone who was suppose to be my friens I suppose. No matter what happened to them they would not get hurt(as in they would not bleed or anything). So we were running together away from someone with a knife. I thought that was weird. The stranger thing was that "my friend" was telling me about a problem that they were having....I fell. Then I pushed my friend in front of me and screamed"help me you won't get hurt." They gave me this horrible look and said"deal with it yourself, you are not my problem." Then they pushed my hand down and stood over me. The person who was chasing us pushed me on my back and started to carver STRIKE in my back. I could feel every letter being carved. It was all made out of lines. for some reason the T in this word hurt the most. I am not sure what this dream was about. It makes me wonder what Strike is. I mean it must mean somthing. Why would I just have a random dream like that. It would make no sense. After he carved that my friend laughed at me. Then I woke up. The even stanger thing is that I have never seen those people that were in my dream before. Okay well that is all I have some homework that I must get done now.