...enough of that crap, never again... that wasn't me.

Sep 28, 2005 09:34

Well hey, how are you doing... long time no talk. ahah not really... but yeah i said it yesterday :l and yeah... she... she... likes me back :] i just said i don't really know you that well... but would like to get to do that.. and yeah she felt the same way. alright well that's all i'm kinda tired... i'm getting really good at skatking :] that's great cause i now don't just go to the park and skate around and hang out with friend i dont really do that with. and actually skate... skate good. i recently learned kickflip f/s noseslide it was nice. okay well i'm gona go finish getting ready for school. it's crazy cause i just want you to know... that i know alot. and i'm kinda smart.... in math! ahah jk in many things... lol well anyways okay i'll stop now... good bye♥

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