May 29, 2005 23:55
so ya wanna know why i hate LJ because all those fucking retards from my hometown use it. i dont like reading about their desperate lives but still when im on LJ im drawn to clicking their names. I wish i could just tell them to all die and leave me alone let me be in peace, tell them they're all fucking retards and ass holes. thats what they are...most of them, stupid arrogant pieces of shit especially some of my old friends who are to remain nameless. 'oh i keep my feelings bottled up and it finally explodes so i cut myself' ya know what ive got to say to that you dumbass GOOD i hope you die you fucking retard and if you your time and cut your entire fucking arm off instead of doing it one slice at a time. THAT SHIT IS STUPID, i mean seriously, think about it who had the reason to do it?
is it because your moms a bitch?
your friends are changing?
look this is what ive gone through and NEVER have i cut myself
-my parents were divorced
-i didnt get to see my dad very often
-my family are assholes that dont care about anyone(long story, if you know me well enough you know what im talking about)
-my mom died
-my aunt who was like a mom figure died a week after mom
-i moved 3 hours away from everyone
-im losing contact with my old friends
-im dealing with the "teen problems" as is every other teen.
so fuck that shit