Jan 26, 2006 19:12
1) how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? I don't lick, I bite them.
2)what was your favorite toy as a kid? Robin action figures. (My brother was always Batman.)
3)what is your favorite state quarter? New Jersey?
4)who would you fight? (past, future, present) A select few, I'd rather not say.
5)what animal would you be? A giraffe, so I'd be Rachel's favorite.
6)who was the last person you played frisbee with? Jimmie D, I think.
7)what did/do you wear for gym class? Gym shorts and a shirt.
8)whats your favorite word to say? do you find yourseld saying it outloud when no one is around? you should try that sometime. I don't know if it's my favorite word but I say "nice" a lot, even to myself.
9)shoes or no shoes?shoes.
11)one cd you bought that you regretted. The newest Further Seems Forever album: so bad.
12)coffee: milk? sugar? or what? Depends, usually just milk, no sugar.
13)if you were a teacher, what would you teach? English.
14)if you could be a roadie for any band, what band would that be? Death Cab for Cutie.
15)if you could have lunch with anyone, past present or future, what would you have for lunch?(don't put who it would be with) Sushi.
16)if you could makeover anyone, who would it be? Myself.
17)if you could be on any reality tv show, what one would it be? Meet the Barkers, but I'd be Travis and Rachel would be my wife.
18)last really awkward social moment: Um, Rachel did something to make Sophia feel awkward, but made me feel awkward too. It was awkward. I think I said awkward too much.
19)what was last insult you've received: Someone told me I was short, but I don't really mind.
20)a word you commonly misspell: Schedule. Did I spell it right?
21)name someone else who has your birthday. Taylor and P-John.
22)name a place you've been to you never want to go to ever again. The hospital
23)why you decided to get a myspace. Cause Mer told me to get one!
24)what kind of cake would you be? Angel food cake.
25)when and who: last time food was made for you: Tonight my mom cooked me pasta with red sauce, sausage and peppers. Mmmm.
26)mashed potatoes or french fries: Fries!
27)if you were a dollar menu item, what one would you be: (i'm worth more than a dollar is not an acceptable answer): Apple pie.
28)last person you went shopping with: Rachel, Taylor & Wrenson-- Guitar Center.
29)last house you slept at that wasnt your own: I fell asleep at Rachel's the other night.
30) last computer you went on myspace on that wasn't your own: Rachel's. Hahaha, yes we're connected at the hip.
31)last time you slept in a sleeping bag: Summer, on the beach.
32)if a really hot girl or guy seductively asked you to eat corn on the cob with them would you do it? (don't do it! they are actually a vegetarian troll that will turn you into a vegetable than eat you): Nah, I don't like corn.
34)if you could be another nationality, what would it be? I'm proud to be Irish.
35)if you had a twin, boy or girl? and if the same sex as you, identical or not? I have a twin!
36)why did you take this survey? Cause I didn't want to do my homework, so I did this instead.