Jan 03, 2006 22:18
Well its definatly 2006 to our knowledge, and naturally like most people with the belief of a new year comes the thought of change and to better ones self, in past year i have depised betterment and the thoughts of goals, but i feel that now this tiem that the goals are for me and not other people, which isn't entirly bad to set a goal for youself is someone want that goals for you. but anyways i am going to call this my desires for 2006, i have been thinking alot today apbut a lot of things, and they all had to deal with what i need to do to make soem things work and to make me more fulfilled.
1. Square off my Debts, i owe over $2000 in bill , i made 17 thousand last year, i shoudl be able to pay it off.
2. Paint more, I love painting, i especially love making art for the people around me
3. get in touch with recreation again, work shouldn't be my only exercise
4. learn the word moderation ( i used to know this word but lately some parts of me have been set to overload)
5. go somewhere for vacation, and enjoy every minute (i may need a friend to join me)
6. revisit saltspring island and stay in the hostel for a weekend ( its been so long and i used to be so calm out in that hostel, i'll want company for this)
8. be firmly under 200lbs, the only exception is if i ended up becoming a body builder (which i doubt)
9. more tattoos
10. learn to drive
11. and of course i always have that desire to find that someone
12. i forgot this stop smoking (i still have some left and i am determined to make it my last now)
13. finish school and find a career
anyways thats rthe list and i tihnk its all there, today was ok it went fast but i was really out of shape and i had to take a nap today but i also decided to grow my facial hair back, but i have a new design which i tihnk will look cool. anyways no King kong tonight, thats lame, but its not like i can afford it anyways. but yea, yesterday was also interesting things got better yesterday, things are still confusing and i am still tryign to figure out some things abotu me and soemone else, but i tihnk i am goign to choose the natural path that, i am goign to do what i feel like doing, and if things happen then they do, if not then, i still ahve a best friends i hope. in other news there has been talk of moving out and join the house where chris and teresa live, it'll cost me $700 to move in i ahve a security and damage deposit which is $350 combined and the first months rent which is $350, and i knwo i can pull it off, but i won't be spoiling anyone that much not even myself, but good news jenn next tiem your over i will have mr.noodles.