Dark Passion

Jul 26, 2012 16:08

Dark passion chapter 1:
Author:: xxxbeccabamxxx.
Summary:: Bam is a normal 17 year old boy untill he meets a strange boy called ville he is also 17 but there is something dark about ville and bam will find this out very soon.
Disclaimer: I don't own bam or ville they own themselfs and its illegal to own someone so ok I don't own them.
Warnings: two boys kissing.That's it
Author's Notes: This is my first Vam story so I hope you enjoy. And comment
Oh yer the rating will change in the next chapter.

It was a late night in west chester and bam and ryan where going to see novak in the skate park.For some reason they like to go skating in the night time it made them feel like it was only them and they could consintrate on doing what they loved.Bam was on his board and ryan was pulling him along bam felt like someone was watching them in the darkness but he didn't think anything of it."Ryan" bam said in a low voice."Yer what is it" said ryan. "Do you think someone is following us because I have felt like some has been watching us since we left mine" said bam in a low voice but he was scared abit he didn't like the dark even when he was with people. "Nar I don't think there is it doesn't matter even if there is coz if they are like some kind of rapist or something I will run away all leave them for you" ryan said with a smirk on his face."That's nice to hear you say that I feel so much better now" bam said trying not to laugh."HEY you guys" novak shouted from the skate park."What the fuck took you so long I have been waiting here for a hour" said novak."Well I was waiting for this fucker to get ready he takes so long to get dressed" said ryan laughing."Shut up I had to put my eyeliner on and it takes time to look as good looking as me and you look like you have just woken up" bam said with a smile on his face."Well I can't be assed with this now let's just skate for the love of god" said ryan as he ran to the ramps and took the skate board of novak."HELL YERR" bam said while running to the ramps where ryan was.
They skated till 1am and it was pitch black except for the lights illummation the skate park. "Well guys I'm going to head of home now or ape will be pissed off" said bam with a sad look on his face. "Well ok see ya tomorrow bam" said ryan and novak.
Bam picked up is borad and head of home.Again as he was walking home he felt like someone was watching him and then he saw a dark figger sitting on the bench. He couldn't see the persons face all he could be where a pair of green eyes that sparkeld in the darkness.He had to know who was the owner of such beautiful eyes so he got off his board put it under is arm and walked slowly to the bench and sat next to the person.
He sat there in silence for a minute or two and then he turned to face this person he stook his hand out and said "Hey I'm bam" the person didn't even turn to look at bam which hurt him abit. And then a deep voice said "My names ville" Bam knew that he wasn't from round here coz he had a strange acsent to him. When ville spoke it sent a shiver down bam's spine."What are you doing out so late" bam said to ville. Ville didn't reply for a minute then he said "I just needed to get out of mine for a bit and I love the dark it looks beautiful and why are you out so late" ville said I a soft voice."Just been skating with some friends" said bam looking into ville's eyes he couldn't take is eyes of them they where eyes that he has never seen before and they where beauiful.They sat there in silence for a bit and it was killing bam he hated when people didn't talk."Why did you come over here and talk to me" said ville as he turned to face bam."I don't know really"bam said to face ville and there eyes where locked on eachothere.Bam felt a strange feeling in hell belly like butterflys or something but why was he feeling like this he didn't even know the man and he felt so nurves around him.And why did he come over and sit next to ville? He didn't really know but there was something about ville that was so appealing to him. Suddenly bam grabbed ville and kissed him.Bam pulled away from ville to see a confused look on ville's face."I'm so sorry I don't know what came over me"bam said blushing."Well if you wanted that your should have just said so"ville said with a smile on his face.He pulled bam forwards and kissed him back he bit bams bottem lip and bam opened his mouth to let ville's tounge in his mouth there tounges dance around in there mouths.The kiss lasted as long as it could until they had to pull away to breath.
"Well that was a very interesting greeting wasn't it" ville said laughing.

Tell me how I did
And if ya want me to continue comment xxxxxxx

genre:mystery rating:pg-13

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