Jan 30, 2005 18:47
Ohh mah god lol! I had the BESTEST weekend EVER! Starting from friday: it was raining, I went to Jennys at 12 and we (Kiki, Elizabeth, Mary, Kia, Sam, Jessica, Jenny, Celina, Cammy, Ashely, and I) drove up to Pilgrim Pines, we stopped at carls junior, haha there was some place called Jose's mexican grill, and we just couldnt stop laughin at it for some reason lol!
It snowed! And a bat flew into our cabin (Stellaluna haha) and Everold (elizards bf is so adorable, we had fake phone sex with his friend hahaha it was hilarious he was like "yea we are playin video games" and we were like "oh baby drop those controlers and press my buttons" hahahahaaa... and then... lizard and saucy (Elizabeth and Cammy) were like "NIG WUT!" and i was like. "So yea, a ghetto piglet would be a niglet so wut would a tigger be?" and then they went all hushed and i was like "... OOOOH!" ahaha im a huge idiot hahahahahah!
We made up all these funky names, like.... Coochlover cammy, Kumkwat Kia, Krrrrazy Kiki, Dick loving diane, Juicy jugged Jenny, Erotic Elizabeth, Cum Celina, Mast. Mexico Mary, Small boobed Sam, Penis pickin patty, jumbo ****** (hahahaha good times), and the list goes on hahaha... oh and the kitchen boys WERENT THERE damnit, we had new cooks, haha Gappy being one.. and some hobbit guy lol hhahahaaaaaa! We watched movies and shit it was so much fun!