My comment to an entry 'There are no pagans left, there are only feral Christians' by aefenglommung

Feb 24, 2024 04:35

I would add to prester scott's comment that there are certain tribal people in places in Middle & South America where you may find some people with little knowledge or adoption of Christianity, and also perhaps in Africa. That may also be the case in some Pacific Island areas.

The people who ate Nelson Rockefeller's son in the 1960s were certainly not following Christianity and they were not "neo-pagan cannibals" but the real thing. (He didn't drown and be swept out to sea, as was the given theory at the time.) They were Pacific Islanders. New Guinea, I think.

I had an interesting conversation with a Jain once about the many Hindu gods. His take is all those gods are different manifestaions of the One God. It's certainly not Christianity, but I would not call it "pagan" since it is a systematized belief that is still practiced as are Islam and Buddhism. (Although I don't think Buddhists think of their faith as a faith/religion but as a way of living.)

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